7 - Greetings

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My eyes opened as I heard loud noises coming from somewhere. I looked around the room with squinted eyes. It took me a while to recover where I was until memories from yesterday flew to my head.

I took my phone that was near on the lamp shade and checked the time. I shrieked as I saw the time displayed on my lock screen. 7:12 AM?! Did I really sleep that long? I almost slept for two days!

I rubbed my eyes to have my clear vision back and stood up from my bed. I went to the unordinary guest room's bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I look like a mess alright. My hair looked like it didn't have a very good day while saliva was running down my mouth. I quickly wiped it off because it was gross. I also smelled like sh*t. After observing myself in the mirror, I soon removed my clothes off my body and hopped into the shower.


I finished showering which took me about 30 minutes, and yes I know what you're thinking, I shower long.

I was now picking simple clothes for inside until I heard a knock from the white wooden door.

"Hey Avery, are you awake?" I heard my cousin's voice. My eyes widened as I noticed I didn't lock my door. Sh*t if he opens that I will never forgive him...

"Yes, I just showered and is not dressed so please don't open the door." I begged.

"I won't," Gareth laughed. "But that's good you've showered because we're going to shop to decorate your summer room."

"Right now?"

"Yes. So wear something you know casual. You can also meet the boys which is in the game room playing video games." Gareth explained. That explains the noise that woke me. But I was pretty relieved I did wake up because people would've thought I was in a coma or something if I didn't. I mumbled an "Okay" and looked for casual clothes as Gareth told me.


I got changed into clothes. I had high waisted shorts with a white tank top on and combat boots. I blow dried my hair then curled it. Now it was long and wavy. I did my make up as well and put on sunglasses seeing the weather outside is hot. I also took my purse with me so I can pay for my stuff obviously. I'm not only shopping for decors of the room, I'm also bringing souvenirs back home.

I closed the door behind me. I heard loud noises coming from downstairs so I went there. The noise was at the game room as Gareth told me where the Real Madrid players were. I made my way into the game room and saw Isco, James, Marcelo, and Cristiano playing video games. Two were chanting. I knocked on the door to catch their attention. All of them took a glance at me but looked away again except Cristiano and Marcelo. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Are you another girl Sergio took home? Well if you're looking for him he's not here." Marcelo told me not caring. What?

"Marcelo!" Cristiano scolded him. "that's Gareth's cousin!" Marcelo's eyes widened.

"Oh s-sorry! I-I just thought that because Sergio w-would always bring one home. A hot one too-" Marcelo informed me.

Cristiano covered his mouth before he can say anything else, "Uh, Gareth is in the living room!" Cristiano faked smiled trying to get Marcelo out of the awkward situation. I hesitated and said "Thank you" to the Portuguese. I didn't get to introduce myself to Isco and James but I guess I'll just have to later after me and Gareth are finished shopping.

A few seconds before making my way to the living room, I bumped into one of Real Madrid's German midfielder, Toni.

"Hello," Toni hesitated. "do I know you?"

I opened my mouth to speak, "Oh no no. Um, I'm Gareth's cousin. Avery." I held my hand out for him to shake. He shook it in being friends.

"Nice to meet you Avery, I'm Toni." Even though I already knew him I just pretended I've never heard of that name.

"Well even though I'd like to continue speaking with you, I have to go with Gareth now." I nervously chuckled.

"I see," He smiled, "Have a nice day with your cousin here in Madrid Spain. It's beautiful here!" I awkwardly smiled back. He walked away giving me another charming smile. I went to look for Gareth once again when he disappeared.

I found my cousin in the living room as Cristiano told me where. He saw me and gestured me to follow him. I did and we walked outside to get in his car. It was a better car than the car that he used to drive us to the airport. Ha.

3/9 met.

A/N: I'm so mean 😂. I told you guys something exciting is going to happen so sorry if this was boring af. Your patience was not worth it lol. But I'm going to start Chapter 8 for you guysss bahhh

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