22 - Party

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It was night and Gareth was just driving home from finishing undone promotions for Adidas. He sighed and turned his steering wheel to face the gate. It was suppose to be his holiday. But this holiday was just not working out . . . His foot pressed the breaks as Gareth waited for the guards to open the huge gate. Yes, it was 11:30 PM and the guards are still by the gate. They stay there until 12:00 AM. So if any of the players aren't home by 12, they're basically locked out. It has happened with Sergio and his girls.

The gate finally opened and right when Gareth's car came through, he noticed something different about the house.

"What the hell?" The house was loud. You could hear music. It was deafening. Could it be that there was a party? That was the first thought that came to Gareth's mind, but the outside don't seem messy. In fact it's clean. Usually parties are also held outside. At least that's how Gareth thinks. He's not a party person.

"If they did anything stupid to ruin the house, I swear. . ." mumbled Gareth. His teeth were clenched, trying to keep himself calm.

Gareth parked his car inside the garage and walked rather calmly to the door. As if the music outside wasn't loud enough, by the door it actually made you deaf.

Gareth's hand roamed through his jeans' pockets. When he found his key, he took a deep breath. He placed the key to the doorknob and slightly turned the-

"WHOOOOO!!!" Gareth shrieked as he heard the familiar voice. It was James.

"For fuck's sake, what the hell is going on!?" Gareth bellowed, after opening the door. There he sees the house was messy. The food was on the floor, and some drinks were spilled too.

Everyone has stopped what they were doing. It was a weird scene. . . James was on top of Pepe's shoulders with nothing but a white boxer on and a lion beanie hat. He looked dumb. Pepe seemed to was just in a middle of screaming random words with James.

Looking to the couch, the white, long, fancy couch, was Sergio and Cristiano with 4 random girls. Drinking.

Upstairs from Gareth's view was Toni and Luka casually drinking. The only normal ones probably.

Keylor, Dani, and Nacho was also drinking but in the kitchen. There were others with him. That was Karim, Denis, and Lucas from the second mansion . . . Just eating their hunger away.

From the back of the house living room, was Marcelo, Raphael, and Fabio on the DJ. They stopped the music as soon as they saw Gareth by the door.

Gareth sighed into disappointment before remembering another thing. The dirty thoughts have suddenly burst into Gareth's mind.

"Hey, where the hell is Isco and Avery?!" Gareth bawled. Everyone started to stutter.

"U-uhm, I-I think th-they are-"

"They're in the game room playing some video games." Toni explained from upstairs.

"Hopefully not FIFA otherwise you better get down there." Luka chuckled with Toni.

Gareth left and immediately rushed to the game room. He knew how Isco was when playing Fifa.

"Alright everyone, sorry to break your nice mood but I think we need to clean up." Luka shouted while walking down the stairs.

"Oh, don't be like that Luka, doesn't mean Gareth is back we have to finish the party." Sergio complained.

"Actually, I think it is . . ." Toni laughed. He clapped his hands, "Come on guys, It's almost 12 AM."

Everyone groaned and started cleaning their mess.


Gareth opened the door to the game room and saw 3 people playing a video game. He noticed that they weren't playing FIFA so he sighed.

"Oh, hey Gareth." Kiko waved. He was playing Battlefield with Isco while Avery was just sitting there, comfortably watching them.

"Hey . . ."

"You wanna play? Kiko suck." Isco joked.

"I don't play video games that's why." Kiko reasoned.

Gareth sat beside Kiko and stole the controller from his hand without permission, "Is that why you're so bad?"

"Not so bad . . ." Kiko mumbled, trying to make himself look better. Gareth chuckled.

"Okay well, let's see if you can beat me, the king of Battlefield." Gareth bragged.

"Oooh, someone is confident." Avery teasingly say to her cousin. Gareth smirked.


Gareth was right. He won against Isco about only 3 times and he started to get mad. Isco was determined to win but his anger only got the better of him. So then, they stopped playing and the time was almost 1 AM.

When the four went to get to their bedrooms, they noticed along the way that the house was actually cleaned. But it looks like they were really tired after that they couldn't get to their bedrooms. Most of them just fell asleep in the living room. It also looked like the second team couldn't go back to their mansion since it was already past 12 when they had finished.

On the floor, you could see Karim and Raphael snoring into each others faces, Marcelo, Dani, and Denis was sleeping together, and Cristiano's fingers were weirdly inside Pepe's nose. Everyone's facial expression changed when they saw that but Avery was laughing her ass off. She was trying to get a good picture but she's already tried for about 7 times and her pictures were still blurry because of her uncontrolled laughter. Suddenly an idea popped into Isco's head.

"We should do something to them while they're asleep." Isco quietly proposed. Kiko silently laughed and gave Isco a thumbs up. He turned to Gareth for approval and for bout 40 seconds of thinking, they let him do it. But he wasn't going to be involved. He didn't like being involved troubling things. And finally, Isco turned his head to Avery and raised his eyebrows. 'Should we?' The blonde nodded.

"So, should we draw on their faces?" Isco asked.

Avery looked disgusted, "Ew, no, let's do something better."

"How about . . . giving them a great makeover?" Kiko grinned. Isco and Avery's face lit up and started to snicker.


"Okay here's my makeup bag." Avery showed. Her makeup bag was very big and it was filled with all things girls would need for their faces.

"Wow, you brought this to Spain?" Kiko asked.

"Of course," Avery smiled, "I always need this. If I lose it I lose my mind."

"But you would still look beautiful even without it." Isco stated innocently while looking inside. Avery widened her eyes and hid her blush.

Kiko coughed, "Okay, love birds, let's get started."


hey guys !! :))

tomorrow i have a science exam and more exams through that week :(

maybe after my science exam i can update but the next day after that i will be studying my buttocks off.

so probably i won't be updating after that update until my exams are over. sorry if this disappoints you but you just have to wait for about 4 days for my new update. is that okeyyyyy

goodbye and i hope you a nice day :)

[sorry if there is mistakes]


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