16 - Santiago Bernabeu

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Avery's POV

"Isco! Where are you!" I shouted to nobody.

I was currently looking for Isco who I was supposed to be alone with for today since I can't go to the party everyone else is going. It was actually a bit weird though. I mean I didn't expect Gareth to not tell me about this. They just left me. Me and Isco...

I shook my head to forget the sudden thoughts going on on my mind and focused to real situation.

"Isco! Hello! Where are you!?" I yelled from the top of my lungs.

"I'm here!" He quickly ran down the stairs with an xbox controller held by his right hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly once he stepped down the stairs. He padded his body and looked at me again with concerned eyes.

"Nothing just looking for you." I answered with obiviousness in my voice.

"Oh, well what happened?" Isco asked catching his breath.

"Nothing." I answered casually. He gave me a raised eyebrow.

"Um okay then I'll just go back to what I'm doing I guess..." Isco hesistantly said. He turned away from me and started walking.

"Whoah, hold on, wait!" I stopped Isco from walking.

"Yeah?" Isco asked, turning his full body again to me.

"You don't know we're the only ones here?" I asked him the obvious, raising my eyebrows.

"What, we are?" He looked around. I nodded.

"Yeah the others left to a so called party so that means I'm going to have a fun day with you!" I smiled. And from the corner of my eye I could see Isco's face glow.

"That's nice." Isco widely smiled which caused me to as well.

"Uh huh!" I nodded agreeing, "So what do you wanna do today?" Isco chewed on his nails and started thinking.

"Um, do you support Real Madrid?" Isco nervously asked out of nowhere.

"Well, I think I have to..." I hesitantly said, leaning into the table.

"Aw that's a shame, I was going to ask you if we can go to Santiago Bernabeu." Isco pouted.

"You serious?" I asked in disbelief. Isco nodded in response. "Well crap then hell yeah!"

"You're good with that?" Isco said, giving me a confused look.

"Yes! Santiago Bernabeu is one of the biggest soccer-"

"Football." Isco corrected.

"Biggest football stadiums in the world!" I continued in awe.

"That's all?" He asked, as if he was expecting me to say more.

I faced him and changed my facial expression, "Yeah why?"

"You're not going to say how good our team is too?" Isco asked, faking hurt.

"Well I mean I don't know anything about soccer- I mean football, you know." I said.

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