12 - Movie Wimps

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Looking for a movie to watch on Netflix is probably the most frustrating sh*t ever.

I sighed and let my exhausted body fall on the movie room's comfy white couch.

I just came home from the other Real Madrid's mansion. You can say it was an entertaining experience.

After I recorded Cristiano "slapping" the insect on Denis' nose, I posted it on Dani's Instagram. It's still there. It's been all over social medias and wow. Did I not feel any better.

Later after minutes, all I've done was look up the ceiling. I wasn't thinking, I was just looking at it like I had no life.

"AYE AVERY!" The voices broke my thoughts. I turned around just to see everyone come inside the room. I quickly sat up and fixed myself.

"What the hell are you guys doing here in the middle of the night?" I asked, still tired.

"To accompany you!" Pepe widely smiled. I gave them a weird look when I noticed they had pillows with them.

"Ooh! The Netflix is on!" Isco squealed like a five year old. I smiled at his goofy humour.

"What should we watch?" Toni asked all of us.

"What about we watch funny movies." James offered.

I kinked my eyebrow, "Funny movies really."

"What's wrong about that?" Marcelo asked.

"It's funny movies. Why can't we watch something like action." Cristiano suggested.

"Action? Seriously guys? Why not horror?" Gareth recommended, giving me a knowing look on the last sentence. I smirked.

"Yeah wimps." I agreed with my cousin.

"We are not watching horror." James informed me.

"Ok then you're a wimp."

James gasped, "No I'm not!"

"Then why don't you wanna watch horror?" I challenged the Colombian.

"He gets scared." Gareth laughed, finishing for James.

"Guys I don't wanna watch horror too." Marcelo and Cristiano nervously said.

"Hah, I do!" Pepe piped, acting brave. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah me too!" Luka joined.

"We can watch whatever." Sergio mumbled, who was on his phone.

"Isco?" Gareth asked.

"As much as I like horror movies," Isco started, "I want to watch other genres too."

"Okay then let's organize what movies we're going to watch first, and last." I told them. They nodded.

"Okay so I suggest we go with the comedy first, action second, and one horror." Cristiano planned.

"Why isn't there romance?" I asked Cristiano.

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