9 - Trouble Makers

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"Niños! Avery and I have Japanese food for you!" Gareth yelled from the living room.

"Japanese food!" Cristiano shrieked racing down the stairs along with Isco and James.

"Who the hell is Avery?" Someone yelled back. I realized who's voice it was so I answered.

"I'm Gareth's cousin!" I shouted, "you must be the guy who brings a girl home each week!"

Sergio popped his head up from the bedroom door, "Hey who told you that!"

"Marcelo!" I answered.

"That d*ck!" I laughed.

I turned around and saw Isco standing in front of me smiling a bit too wide that it made me uncomfortable.

"Dia duit!" Isco happily said. But I didn't know what language he just spoke. Is it Spanish?

I raised my eyebrow, "What?"

"Oh I thought you were Irish." Isco said dumbfounded. He face palmed himself.

"Why in the world would you think she's Irish?" James said trying to hold his laughter who was eating the Edo food Gareth and I brought home.

"She look like Niall Horan. Or more like his sister." Isco explained.

"Typical Isco." Gareth muttered.

"My name is Isco. Sorry about thinking you're Irish. I'm very socially awkward as you can see." Isco apologized looking down on the floor.

"Hey it's okay." I said giving Isco a slight smile which he gladly returned.


After meeting Isco, I met James right after. He was a nice guy like the rest. Well unlike Sergio. The only person I need to meet now was Luka Modric. I never saw him neither did he eat lunch with us so I never got the chance to see him.

Once I was full from eating, I went upstairs to the guest room to take a nap. I was awfully tired and I need to save energy for later since Me and the others are going to be decorating my summer room.



That's how I woke up.

I opened my eyes and yawned. I blinked a few times to get my normal clear vision back. That's how I saw who was laughing.

"Celo? Cris?" I looked at them confused. Their eyes widened.

"Oh good morning Avery!" Cristiano widely smiled. Both Marcelo and Cristiano were laughing at something on their phones which left me very curious.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?" I asked the two.

"We were waiting for you to wake up." Marcelo snorted trying to hold his laughter. Okay now I know something is definitely up.

"What did you guys do while I was asleep?" I nervously asked hoping they didn't do any such thing.

"We did nothing Avery. Goodbye." Marcelo and Cristiano said while walking out the door to leave. Creeps.

I changed into more casual clothes and opened the door to go outside. While walking to downstairs, I bumped into James.

"Oh hey-" James started but was distracted at something which caused him to burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

James ignored my question, "Celo! ¿Por qué se dibuja en su rostro?"

"James! No le digas que algo está en su cara bien?!" Marcelo shouted back from downstairs.

"Alright anything for you bud." James laughed leaving me still confused as ever.

"Okay fine if you guys won't tell me, my cousin will." I glared. I walked downstairs and saw Gareth juggling a soccer ball in their indoor soccer field.

"Gareth! Hey Frank!" I shouted trying to get his undivided attention to me. He stopped juggling and looked at me weirdly.

"What's on your face?" He asked.

"I don't know you tell me!" I groaned.

He laughed, "It says 'Loser' on your forehead and other things doodled on your cheeks and chin." I gasped.

I took my phone out of my pocket and opened the camera. I checked my face and he was right. It says 'Loser' on my forehead. They drew the most weirded sh*t on my cheeks too! What the crap? I can't believe those two. Now I know why they were in my f*cking room. Jerks.

I stomped my way to Marcelo and Cristiano was still laughing on their phones. I slapped the phone out of Marcelo's hand.

"That was my phone!" Cristiano gasped. I ignored him and spoke.

"Can you explain this?" I said pointing to my face with my index finger.

"It was his idea!" Cristiano pointed to Marcelo. Marcelo put his hands up as defence.

"He laughed!" Marcelo defended himself.

"He did both!"

"Cristiano posted it on his Instagram!"

"You told me to do that!"

"In other social medias too!" Marcelo continued to defend.

"You're the one who posted it on Facebook!" Cristiano shouted.

"Your Facebook!"

"Yeah that has over 100 million followers! Or likes I don't know!"

"WAIT WHAT?" I popped in interrupting Marcelo or Cristiano from talking again.

"What?" Marcelo and Cristiano asked in unison.


"Look we thought it was funny. Sorry if it didn't make you laugh. Please forgive us?" Cristiano pleaded. It didn't change my facial expression.

"We'll delete it and even make a facebook status of how much sorry we are!" Marcelo practically begged. I mean like literally on-knees beg. I bit my lip thinking. After 10 seconds I thought of something brilliant.

"Okay I forgive you." I told them.

"Thank God!" Cristiano praised.

"Thank you very much oh my gosh I can just kiss your feet right now!" Marcelo said, relieved.

"That would be smart for me to do as a payback but that's too icky." Both heads turned back to me.

"W-what do you mean?" Cristiano asked, nervous.

I smirked, "You two are going to be taking the things off my face."

"What?" Marcelo breathed in disbelief. "We're not doing that. In fact, I'm not doing that."

"Oh yes you are." I said confidently. "Oh and you too James!" I shouted.

"What? Why?!" James shouted back from upstairs.

"You laughed." I told him.

"Gareth laughed too!" Marcelo stated.

"Yeah but he told me what was funny so...." I smiled in victory.

"Fine. I'll be down there. Meet you in the bathroom." James told me.

"Alright weirdos follow me." I smirked holding on to their arms leading them to the bathroom.

"This is going to take some time." Cristiano sighed.


A/N: Aye what's up. Here's an update lol. Sorry if it took long but hey. It's an update it's worth the wait hah. That's all really. Have a nice day nubs! Bahhhh

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