5 - The One and Only

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I had a normal plane ride to Spain. I got some food I slept and all that. I thought of some scary thoughts yes, but Gareth would always tell me to think positive. He said that's what he do when the team travels to play.

Once we arrived, we got off the plane. I realized it was morning now.

"Where do we go now? Does this tunnel lead us to another plane?" I asked Gareth. I received a laugh.

"No. This tunnel leads us to the airport." Gareth explained. "I also texted one of my friends, Cristiano, to pick us up and drive us home."

"Cristiano Ronaldo?" He nodded.

This is cool. I get to see some of Real Madrid's players in this trip. Football isn't really my thing but I know lots about Real Madrid. I may not remember any of the players' name but I do know shiz about them. Weird huh.

We waited for about 20 minutes for Cristiano until we finally saw him waving to get our attention. We carried our things on our way to Cristiano.

"Gareth!" Cristiano hugged Gareth. He hugged him back.

"It's been 3 days since I've seen you!" Gareth joked. They both laughed. It looks like they're closer than usual in training and games. I'm feeling left out cousin.

Finally, their laughter stopped and Cristiano noticed me.

"You must be Gareth's cousin, Avery! Hello I'm Cristiano." He introduced himself.

"Of course, the one and only." I praised.

He chuckled, "Just like your cousin huh? Quite the joker Bale family has." My cheeks got red from embarrassment.

"Your mood is so happy." I told him.

"Well that's him outside football. But I swear you should see him in field crying because we lost." Gareth made fun of Cristiano.

"Shut up Gareth." Cristiano glared at my cousin.

"Let's go Bales. We are going to my car which is parked just right there." Cristiano said. We followed him to his car and whoah. What a car.

"This is your car?" I asked Cristiano in disbelief.

"Calm down it's just a Lexus CT 200h." Cristiano gestured his hand for me to calm down.

"Very detailed huh Cristiano." Bale rolled his eyes.

"Well at least it's better than your car earlier." I stated to Gareth.

"Hey! I told you my reasons!" Gareth lost his sh*t.

"Alright even though it's really temping to me to see what the car looks like, we need to drive home now." Cristiano said.

We got in his car and he started to drive.


As impatient as I am it's been 20 minutes of driving.

"Is your house that far Gareth?" I groaned.

"His house? Avery it's mine too." Cristiano informed. Gareth widened his eyes.

"Wait what? You two live in the same house?" I asked the both of them.

"Not only two, but 10. No 9 now since Iker is currently in a vacation in US. You probably saw him. There's actually like 20 but they had to go to another mansion. Karim is in a vacation as well in France with Raphaël.... and-"

"Whoah. So like... Half of the Real Madrid team lives in the same mansion?" I asked the two. Gareth nodded.

"Look if you're worried they're crazy don't-" My cousin stopped himself. "Never mind they're crazy. But they're cool so it's ok. Fun too." I nodded.

So I'm going to be spending my summer with half of the Real Madrid team... Hm.

A/N: Hi I'm Britty. If you wanna be friends just say hi.

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