dont let me fuck this up - N

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"kind of down in the dumps a bit. A hazard of returning to the present I guess." where were you my love, in your letters?

"I'm being treated with rudeness at home and it really stings." rudeness seems like a minor hazard around your place... is there any reason for it?

"Picked up my altered dress, the slit was a good move. It looks way better now." prove it babe. or ill know you are a liar with a frumpy unslit dress

" I'm allowing a bit of humanity to bleed through (also a pun) because as a child, I loved her." this will be interesting i feel like for how impactful she is she was always the hardest for you to talk about... even to the point where it felt like you had repressed some of it.

I think this journey you are on is an important one, i kinda wish i was physically there for it. I think that you are gunna drudge up some rough stuff and you might just need a good support or at times a good distraction to remind you who you are... to me it feels like a be ready for anything kind of journey

"Hey imagine how different OGs life would've been if I hadn't attended the stats 101 bridging course" i imagine shit like that a lot... strangely from what you've told me about OG i think hell end up fine, with some girl who felt half as wild but didnt fuck with him as bad either.

the one i worry more about if Jan... im gunna have to seduce him hard enough to forget about you just so that that karma doesnt follow us around later in life

"I hate feeling sad like this." im sorry you feel sad my love. it can be such a hard thing to shake. you think the letters, therapeutic as they are are helping? there might be some balance you need to find where you limit how much emotional repression you can confront in any given day.

Oh shit that lace top is such a tease I fucking love it. It's one of those less is more pieces

And look how creamy you are. I'm thinking 8 was not enough we're gunna have to break out the power tools on that pussy... a year ago did you think someone could say that and you would be open to it. Hell a year ago even orgasming seemed implausible. Now look at you. Already hungry for more. Like my good little slut. Now I just need you on my pole

I cans believe you got your pussy all red and I'm not even watching. You know how I like to be present for the torture scenes

What's this about the scoop bully? Is this another letter?

Yeah if there is a hereafter I don't think it works like that. I think that god wouldn't want us to suffer unless it brought growth. The suffering is gunna be shit we do to ourselves. Heaven is probably just a safe place for learning to let go of the shit that weighs us down.

Imagine if you and four get sent to the same heaven. But he's so angry that people aren't being punished for wronging him that can't let it go and carries that anger around in his heart letting it ruin his paradise.... That's the kind of shit I mean

What do you mean that four is acting weird.

You basically told me that you are sure that four knows, he I guess confronted you. Then you stopped telling me. What the fuck is going on?

What do you need reassurance about love? Tell me what's going on in that little heart of yours

.... Oh shit just had a power outage lemme check it out

Big outage you could see it across the valley, had some spooky powers out time with M

That story about the beast is weird for a lot of reasons not least of all how you call her mum

Why did four go barefoot, I'm sure that slowed him down in the end

A was a notoriously bad driver too she crashed and at least 3 cars and scratched the paint on a few others.

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