or something more? N

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you ever feel like you have so mush to say to a person but not enough wavelength to get it all out... typing shit is just too slow

I had a weird dream, it was about you but not perfectly so, like it was definitely you but you looked Japanese... it was weird like still you but just slightly off. we had two kids together like 2 and 5, and at least the oldest was a girl who was crazy smart and talked like an adult. despite having two kids together you and I had just recently met up for the first time. and were trying to get our first house together. but we didnt buy it it was this nice big lodge that was falling apart and so old and dated but had really beautiful bones to the place.

it doesnt exist in real life, but in the dream it used to belong to my grandfather and my mom came over to tell us the history of this and, oh this ugly wallpaper was chosen by your grandmother, etc. and you were trying to be polite and excited but you hated all of it.

but every time you tried to be nice about it our five year old would just tell everyone how you really felt.

it wasn't a big deal cause my mom was chill and so was I, nobody liked the old look anyway. and then you and me decided what we were gunna change first to make it nice.

- anyway i think i was just thinking about houses with you when i fell asleep so not surprising meanings here. just thought you might find it interesting.

---- one other thing i wanted to run by you. a student did something a little weird today and i wanted to run it by you... before you jump to conclusions my best guess is that her girlfriend dropped out and now dnd is a little bit awkward and she jokes with me because she knows me from previous years and just feels safer joking around with me than the other students.

but you can tell me if you think theres something else going on. btw this is the same student who does the drag queen characters a different day.

on this day i play a little 6 year old brat who got turned into a pixie and she plays as Schrödinger's male cat who gained sentience. at one point the guy running the game had a creepy snake guy and a few of his henchmen come threaten us. and my character said she got really scared and went to hid in the cats fur. and would whisper things like hes scary tell him to go away.

at some point the student decided that they had hidden me in a tuft of fur on their chest but mimed doing so as if they had placed my pixie character in their cleavage. i just ignored the location and kept playing along, she made the gesture again later, when we went to attack the snake dude.... what do you think harmless joking, trying to use me a safe way to joke in from of peers, or something more?

--- any way i got a ton of stuff to respond to but im not quite here yet, just had to get those ideas out to you.

--- hey qt im here, not sure if you are considering it safe to talk on insta or not, i would certainly prefer it

if you cant remember my birthday i guess its birthday blowjobs everyday till you remember

ok i gotto go back to yesterday to catch up on convos im super far behing

isss your suggestion for a song baby's got back? hahahahah Mmmm rumplesmoooooothskin

"I was picturing an (unlikely) world where we meet up with my family for christmas. I know four well enough to know the first thing he'll notice when he meets you." i mean if you say so, i relly think that life plays out in funny ways and you might find that it takes some time, the girls will come around... i dont know babe. life tells me this but also i feel it.

"So In That moment when you meet I'll know exactly what he is thinking and all the associations that come with it. And now, so will you." yeah i dont know babe. that thought lasts for 2 seconds. you know what i really want him to think... damn, she looks happy now

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