the witching hour - N

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yeah you mentioned that referendum yesterday but dissapeared so quickly you8 didnt explain. im assuming its an actual one then, not a refference to some ruleset between you and four

"Anyway four aired his grievances and suggested I may be going to the toilet to unsend messages I don't want him to see 'not that he checks' but uh where'd he get the unsend idea then" well you can say shit like why would you do that when you are allowed to flirt and even be sexual with people online... right that ws his state of play

also ive tried telling you this before but we shouldnt delete our messages... especially now. we should just delete the ones that four would find offensive... think about it from his perspective. he knows shit goes on. so the most reassuring thing that he can find is what he expects to find. or even a slightly more boring version of it.

you nkow what would protect you, pages and pages of mildly entertaining conversations between us that he looses the will to read we can delete sexual shit and complaining about four shit

we can leave voice messages up that he can hear if he wants... it just feels like a better smoke screen. he wont look too hard for hidden shit if he thinks he already found it.

he will definitely be checking on bathroom time though... lets do some boring as fuck shit there for a bit.

"lol this popcorn maker - ask me when I'm up there was a hilarious misunderstanding and now we have a big cinema style one." oh shit that seems kinda fun, send me a pic of the one you got. my first real job was at a movie theater making the popcorn... i used to bring the extras home in giant trash bags

oh also couldnt find the mistborn audiobooks on youtube. but I've heard that the witcher is pretty amazing. I already started this book, careful though the prologue is a bit steamy, in case you have spies

anyway heres the link

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