Untitled Part 76 - N

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was cuddling, didnt mean to leave you hanging

does urgent work mean that you are gunna be busy today?

the low HR is more concerning if you feel like you might pass out. the highs at work and the chest pain definitely worry me more

"Four was hinting that I got lost yesterday bc I was talking to you (probably). So we gotta stick to here I guess." I mean, i guess thats your call to make. not really sure what the point of all the sneaking around even is anymore. he knows, he said hes ok with it. but even if hes not he still knows.... maybe you will get lucky and he will learn some manners by spying on us

"I tried to vacuum on the weekend but the vaccuum died. Ordered a new one. Had the old one for years so I hope the tech is upgraded." taking your playtime without me hmmm.. i see how it is :P

glad to see harriet progress it seems like the one thats destined to become your breakout story. sounds like some fun ideas you have going... just have to finish the ball first... your inspiration always sends me in different directions

"The punchline is that dreams are just the nightmares I wake from." that makes it sounds like you are living a wonderful dream and only hounted at night

--- so the computer came today. M and i did open heart surgery and tranfered the parts to upgrade both of our computers... just finished before the cuddles started. but I should finally be able to run stable diffusion without sequestering google shared computers for processing

pretty excited but also exhausted, still gotta hook a few things up then i should be able to get a few new AI tricks going

"the difference between my nightmares and my dreams is in the waking'" fummy but this one reads more clearly as you intended it to me than the explaination you gave.

"Snape kicks off a game of footsie." oh shit what do you think snapes feet are like?

"Book five was fun bc occlumency but the sheer amount of plot points I gotta negotiate makes it difficult to balance." yeah, maybe we shoud do a exercise reading of book 5 to help inspire you

"Here's the thing. It only seems to be okay if you are just someone I fuck. But the vast majority of our conversations is straight love. So four's expectation is we get off together and don't talk apart from that and don't have anything real." yeah well fuck four, i dont have patience for him today. if you try to keep both of us happy, neither of us will be. we are incompatible as your lovers

"Yeah imagine the moment I position the vacuum and press on and it just starts - then sputters out. Was so mad." I hope you learned a valuable lesson then

"but make it canon enough that maybe it could have happened without disrupting the story." yeah thats the tricky bit that would need a thurough disection of the books, theres always gunne be a potterhead out there who will find it jarring when it doesnt fit

--- Yeah nephew was begging to play a game before his bed time. I'm back now

oh shit tell me about the tough spot babe

im sorry love you are right i should have told you... in fact i thought that i did, i ment to at least. but you are right, im sorry for that

the snake chapter is the one where mr weasly is attacked?

babe, i was going to read it... but you are the one who described it as footsie... so its not strange for me to imagine feet being involved

lol you have a way of twisting things that "usually" put to good use

"What I find hilarious is the inherent suggestion that you might be compatible with a different person who is not four." I mean I dont anticipate that working well, but never say never i suppose. i could certainly imagine the tried version of polyamory better than separate love lives. im the kind of person who wants to be fully involved in your life. i dont want to hold shit back

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