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I sat in class, desperately trying to pay attention. Today I was just out of it. My dad said he needed to talk to me when I got home and it was the only thing that had been circulating through my head all day.

I wouldn't say I had the best relationship with my dad. He never supported my dreams and instead wanted to keep pushing me to be smarter. It was a bit weird sometimes to think about my hardships when I knew there were people in this classroom struggling way worse than I ever could.

Class ended and I packed up my bag, seeing out of the corner of my eye a figure sitting on the desk. I looked up to see Wooyoung. "You barely paid attention all class, what's going on?"

I met Wooyoung pretty early on in college, he was very extroverted and immediately went up to me. To say I was taken aback would be downplaying it. He pretty quickly became aware of the background I came from and never thought differently of me. I think I could say that with sincerity since nothing stopped that man from pushing me around.

I shrugged, looking at him. "I just have to meet with my dad."

Wooyoung paused, I could see the hesitation in his eyes. He wanted to make light of the situation but he usually hesitated when it came to my dad. He decided to do it either way.

He put his fists up, faking a couple jabs. "Should I, ya know?" He started boxing the air.

I rolled my eyes, "I think that would definitely turn out in your favor."

He chuckled, grabbing me off my chair and wrapping his arms around me then forcing me to walk out of class with him.

One thing that you needed to know about being friends with Wooyoung. He loved skinship. Way more than I did and I would say I was pretty average. It was his biggest love language and he didn't care who you were, he would hug and kiss you.

He could be a bit intimidating but honestly he had the best personality out of anyone I have ever met.

"Do you want to hang out so you don't have to go right away?" He asked, considering how I felt about the situation.

"And get him more pissed off? I think I'll pass today. Plus you have other friends than me." I said, gently taking his arms off of me and turning to him.

He pouted a bit, a knot forming between his brow. Clear worry displayed on his face. "We have school on monday so don't get yourself in a situation where you can't attend. Or I will raid your house, I promise."

"It's not the end of the world that I'm going to see my dad, stop being so dramatic." But Wooyoung was kinda right. I lived in the same house with the man so him asking for a meeting felt weird. Not to mention I usually did everything possible to avoid him. "I gotta go."

Wooyoung immediately wrapped his arms around me once again, hugging me tightly. Before I could protest he let me go, sighing deeply.

Driving home was stressful enough, the closer I got to the house the more I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

What also didn't help was a motorcycle cut me off, making me halt in the middle of the road. The bike paused for a minute and waved me off. I assumed it was an apology but I couldn't exactly tell. I thought it was better to think that way though to try and not add any more unwanted feelings at the moment.

I arrived home, if I could even call this place that. Walking in I was met with the maid who practically raised me.

The moment she saw me, her face dropped. Her expression turned grim and apologetic. I beelined towards her, hoping I could get some information before I had to meet with my father.

Before I could even open my mouth to ask a question I could hear my father's booming voice, demanding my presence.

I swallowed deeply, trying to read her face to prepare myself for what was going to happen. I walked slowly towards the door to the study.

My mind ran a million miles per hour, and for the love of god I couldn't think of a situation where I screwed up and made him angry. I opened the door, seeing a polite smile on my dad's face that was the perfect example of a fake smile. Then I saw a woman sitting on the couch opposite of him and I bowed ninety degrees to both of them.

I recognized her but didn't at the same time. She had come over a couple of times before but I never knew her name or what for.

My dad offered or rather demanded a seat and straightened in his. "Let's get started."

I sat silently, feeling like I was invisible as they both discussed my future. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I think I blocked out half of the conversation, pretty much past the point they said I was going to be married off.

No wonder Lia, our maid looked so grim.

I kept my eyes on the floor, my nails digging into my skin. I was going to be married off. Tomorrow. And suddenly I was supposed to move into another man's house. Just people whose companies wanted to merge and what better way to show that then to marry off the heir's of the companies.

They didn't ask me one question, not once did they acknowledge how I'd feel about this. Nor did they care.

"Okay, then it's settled. Tomorrow at the courthouse you will be married." The woman smiled at me like this is what I wanted.

The lady left and I went to my room without saying a word to my dad. He was too busy to even notice I left.

I couldn't exactly breathe, it felt like someone had sat on my chest. My anxiety ripped through me and it took all of my will to not claw at my skin. I felt like I was in a meatsuit and I was suffocating in it and if I just ripped myself out of my skin then I could finally breathe.

I thought about calling Wooyoung to vent but I didn't want to add anymore problems onto his already hectic life.

I felt itchy and cold and my body ached. Could this really be happening?

I mean I never really had much of my own life to begin with, everything I've done was done for my family. I've had to sacrifice everything for them but this too? 

A/N: This definitely feels like an older story with my writing style. I hope you guys still like it. 💞

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