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 I was waiting for Seonghwa to get dressed so we could go to his doctor appointment, however I was still yelling at his father over the phone.

For the love of god, I couldn't understand why this filthy man refused to take any legal action. His son was fucking violated and the best he could say was "Serves him right for going to a vulgar party like that in the first place."

It took every ounce of my strength to not throw my phone against the wall.

The conversation got so bad that he even threatened to take legal action against me if I tried to do anything. Technically Seonghwa still didn't have control over his half of the company so his father still had a lot more control than I had wished for.

Way worse could've happened to Seonghwa if we didn't find him and his father genuinely didn't care. How the fuck did he survive with that man all this time?

Seonghwa came out, finally dressed and right at the worst time as I was about to go off. I just hung up the phone so he didn't have to see me lose it on his father.

"Who was that?" He asked, fixing his shirt.

"Not important." I said, opening the front door for him. "Let's go or you'll be late."

I've been doing my best to be softer and kinder to him, and it wasn't like I still had issues with him or anything, I just struggled being that way in general.

In case it was hard to tell, I wasn't the most likable person in the world.

I drove him to the doctor's office, waiting with him in the waiting room but hesitated when his name was called. I mean, yes I was his husband. But...it's not like we ever discussed anything in regards to our relationship for me to assume I could go into the room with him.

I only decided to go with him when he paused at the door, turned towards me. "Are you coming?" He asked.

I guess it was important for me to go since I knew some things he didn't, since he was really out of it for a while.

The nurse pretty much led us into the room and told us the doctor would be with us shortly before leaving.

Seonghwa sat awkwardly on the seat.

"What am I supposed to say?" He said, his voice small.

He had always been soft spoken but recently his voice had become even a decibel lower than it was before.

"They know what you're here for. If they ask you why, just tell them you've had some concerns over the past few times." I said.

"Isn't that awkward for you?" He asked, looking at me.

"It's important." I said. "It doesn't matter how I feel."

He chewed on his lip, nodding.

When the time came I left the room to give him some privacy and after some time, the doctor came out. I went back to the room to wait with Seonghwa.

About thirty minutes later the doctor asked to speak with me privately.

"I don't usually do this but this situation called for it. Is your husband sexually active with other people?" He asked.

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