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One thing I didn't expect but should've was I was now forced to show up to events with him. Especially business dinners and parties and events.

After a while I had convinced my dad to let me focus on school more than on the company so I no longer had the appropriate clothes to go to things like this.

So let me tell you how awkward it was to be demanded to go to one of these events, and actually have nothing to wear that was appropriate.

"Are you joking?" He asked, staring at me.

"No, I'm not." I answered and then he just left me standing there. Great.

After about five minutes he came back, holding clothes in his arms and dropping them on my bed then he started looking through my closet.

This was the most we've talked this week, and most we've interacted. But I guess it made sense since if I showed up looking bad, it would make him look bad.

He threw out a blouse that I hadn't worn in ages. I bought it, thinking I was going on a date but the date ended before it really started.

He grabbed some chunky platforms and pants that could pass as formal attire and then spun around, looking me up and down.

"Get dressed." He passed me quickly out of the room.

It felt weird, getting dressed up to go to another event, I thought I had finally escaped those days. But it did feel a bit better. Maybe it was the clothes? The clothes I felt like fit more my style or what I was more comfortable with then the stuff I'd have to wear when I was younger.

All he really added was a blazer and accessories.

Maybe it was time to buy more clothes if this was going to become a habit.

I left my room, meeting Hongjoong in the hallway.

He looked up then swirled his finger so I turned for him. "You don't look horrible." He said and then walked away, I think he expected me to follow him so I did. "We're going to be there for a couple of hours so just don't say something to make me look stupid."

Right, to make him look stupid.

The event was...stupid. And boring. The moment we got there, Hongjoong practically ditched me which I guess gave access to a bunch of vultures to steal me away.

I was able to get away, making the excuse that I needed to use the restroom but I was stopped again.

"You're Hongjoong's new wife!" A man said.

"Husband." I replied and it still didn't sit right with me.

"Right, my mistake." The amount of times in my life I had been mistaken for a girl was countless but the way this guy said it, didn't feel like a mistake. It felt like a jab. "You just don't seem like his type, is all."

"Okay, well...I don't know what you want me to say to that since we're now married."

"You're right. It's not my place to comment on what seems like a happy marriage. Speaking of, where is your lovely husband?" He pressed.

Why was I suddenly in some kind of competition that I never wanted to be in, in the first place?

"He's somewhere around here, I was just about to go find him. This was a great conversation but I'm sure he's waiting for me." I bowed slightly to him then passed him by.

I had already been here for two hours, I wanted to find him and try to leave before I really lost my mind. There was a reason I stopped coming to these things.

Finally spotting Hongjoong across the room I made a beeline for him, ignoring everyone around me.

However, the moment I was close enough, the people he was with noticed me. "Oh, is this your lovely husband?"

He hummed in response, finally acknowledging me. I didn't want to be rude and ask him if we could leave in front of his...whatever these people were to him.

"Oh poor baby, it seems like this type of setting makes him uncomfortable." One of the her said, a light snicker in her voice as if I was just a boytoy.

I looked up at her, trying to hide my clear annoyance.

Hongjoong looked at me, "I won't be very long." He said.

"That's true, so why don't you join us?" One of the other women asked, gesturing for me to sit. Though there wasn't anywhere to sit and I wasn't sure I wanted to spend any more time with these women. What was even more awkward was one of the women gestured for me to sit on Hongjoong's lap which made it feel even more like I was just a toy to them.

Hongjoong grabbed my hand and it made me flinch, it was the first time he had touched me and it completely caught me off guard. "Go tell Jonathan to warm the car up, I'll say my goodbyes."

Without hesitating I left, going straight to our driver. 

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