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I was half awake for the past five minutes, my brain was too aware but I wanted to go back to sleep. I felt too warm and comfortable to move.

It took me a couple more minutes to even realize what I was just holding onto and even then I still couldn't move well enough to move.

The events of the past night replayed in my head, making me want to curl up closer to him and hide. My shift in the bed made him stir.

"You're awake?" He asked, groggily.


"Mhm." I murmured in response.

I felt his fingers run through my hair as he pulled away to sit up. I should've kept my mouth shut.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

I squeezed my eyes shut, "Just wondering if I can delete my memories of last night." I said it in a much lighter tone than how I felt about what happened.

"Seonghwa." He said, "Seonghwa." He repeated. I finally looked up at him. "I'm never letting that happen to you again, if anything happens from now on, you come to me. I don't care if you just want to go home because you're bored, you come to me and tell me, even if we're fighting and you think I hate you...you always. Come. To. Me. This isn't happening again."

I stared at him, taking a second to process what he was saying before I nodded. "I thought you didn't care."

"Maybe it's about time I start." His eyes burned into me. "Forced or not, we're married and you're my husband. Nobody gets to violate you like that, do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir." I put my head back down, still exhausted and he ran his hand over my back. "I thought you hated skinship."

"I don't hate it as much when it comes to you, maybe it's all the panic over what the hell just happened but who knows."

For the first time in sixteen years I felt like I was home.  

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