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Twenty minutes later, there was a light knock on my door. "Come in." I said, still looking through the documents on my screen.

"Um, it arrived. Where would you like me to put it?" He asked. I gestured to the chair in front of the table, still not looking up.

I listened to his footsteps, he put the bag on the chair and then moved to the door but I didn't hear the door close. "Do you...want any company or?"

I finally looked up, "No, of course not." I said. "I'm busy.

He nodded, "Right! Sorry." He left then shut the door behind him. He didn't seem as bad as I thought he'd be. A bother, yes. But at least not someone I had to be worried about.

I got distracted by work again, and hours went by before I realized I hadn't even touched my food. I took a deep breath and stretched, groaning as I did. I put my face in my hands, fighting against the exhaustion.

I finally got up from the chair and grabbed the bag of food, going to the kitchen so I could heat it up. Today felt a bit unreal. I was just fine being alone but despite him not bothering me much, his presence changed the whole atmosphere of the house.

The beeping of the microwave pulled me out of my thoughts, I decided to eat in my room since I didn't feel comfortable at the dining table anymore.

As I walked past his room I paused, hearing him talking.

"He's fine, I guess. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing here, I feel extremely out of place and it's clear he has no intention of making this any easier for me."

Realizing he was just talking on the phone I left, not wanting to eavesdrop anymore.

I mean he was kind of right, I didn't have any intention of making this easier for him. I mostly planned to outright ignore him if I was being completely honest. 

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