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I wasn't entirely sure why I even cared, maybe it was just basic human decency. I knew how uncomfortable I was at these events and I came to them constantly. But for him? I wasn't sure if he had ever been with the way he acted in response to being told he had to come too.

The way my colleagues were eyeing him like he was a piece of meat made me feel gross. I wouldn't say we were friends. I wouldn't say I was friends with anyone here but I had to make nice with them for business. So when the women started acting weird around him I just decided to cut it short and leave.

At least I could use him as an excuse to leave early. After saying my goodbyes, I walked out to the car, seeing him already in it.

I took my seat next to him and our driver and left the house.

It was silent for about five minutes before he finally spoke, "Thank you."

"For?" I asked, not looking at him.

"For letting me leave." He said quietly.

I pursed my lips but decided to leave it at that.

We made it home and before we parted he paused, "Goodnight Joong." I looked at him with wide eyes but before I could question him on it, he left to his room.

Instead of going to bed immediately, I took a shower to decompress and forget the party. I still had no idea what to do about the man that was sleeping a couple of rooms down. It had already been two weeks and today was the most I've talked to him since I met him. It still felt extremely uncomfortable to come home and not even feel comfortable enough to say it's my home. We were still just strangers in forced proximity and it made me drained.

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