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I needed a minute to breathe. I realized that he now lived here too but I always had a thing against change. I fucking hated when people touched my stuff or moved things or fucked with things that didn't belong to them.

I brushed my hair back, wiping my hands over my face. I was just overreacting, right? It wasn't that bad to be that annoyed with what he did. The stress from work just added onto everything and I felt like I was going to explode.

I didn't like being angry or cold like I always was, but sometimes I just wanted to fucking lose my mind. When will it be enough?

It felt like I was just getting closer to losing it, like this was one of the things that would finally make me fucking be done. Somehow I have never lost it before in my life, not once have I let everything crumble. I always kept that perfect façade.

But the companies merging, getting forcefully married, having a stranger live and take over my home, it was all too much.

I gripped the back of my chair, my knuckles whitening. I needed to smoke. 


I felt bad for yesterday so I decided to bring him lunch and make amends. When I got to the floor where his office was, his secretary stopped me. "He's out of the office right now but if you want to wait inside you can."

"Thank you." I said, nodding at him and going inside Hongjoong's office. It was the first time I'd seen it...I guess I expected it to be more organized compared to the house.

Files boxes were pulled off the shelves, lids all over the floor. Papers strewn about on his desk and coffee table. It was a lot.

I stayed there only for five minutes, waiting until I couldn't handle it anymore. 


Once I got closer to my office I ended the call, greeting my secretary.

"Your husband came to see you, I told him he could wait in your office." He said, typing something on his computer.

I halted, wanting to ask him why he would let anybody in my office but I realized that of course he would. He was technically my husband, he wouldn't know any better.

I opened my door and my gut dropped.

That was it.

Something in me snapped. 


I had passed out without realizing as I waited for him to come back, only did I wake up when I heard the door open.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes to wake up, trying to focus on him in the doorway.

I couldn't really make out his expression as he looked over the now cleaned office. "It took you long enough, I brought food since I thought you might not have eaten yet. It's probably cold now though."

I looked down at the bag, looking through it.

"What did you do?" He whispered and I looked back up.

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