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[5 Months Later]

I walked in the house, already hearing the tv playing before I made it in the living room. Seonghwa looked over his shoulder to see me walk in and he smiled.

"You're home!"

I pulled out one of the flowers I had bought and tucked it behind his ear, kissing him on the cheek. "Yeah, it was a long day."

I handed him the rest of the flowers before heading to the bathroom to wash up.

"What are these?" He stopped me.

"Flowers, I saw them when I was walking home and the old lady said that was her last one so I bought them, thinking you might like them." I said, brushing my hair back.

He stared at them for a long moment before he said something I couldn't quite hear.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It's just nobody has ever gotten me flowers before." He repeated.

I stopped to think about it, and realized he was right. It wasn't normal for guys to get flowers. I had never gotten flowers. I went over to the couch, sitting in front of him. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded, smiling a bit at me as he teared up. "No, I'm fine. It's a bit ridiculous that I'm getting so emotional over flowers.

"I love you." I didn't really think about saying it, it just came out. I think that was the first time I had ever said it to anybody, let alone him.

His eyes met mine and we stared at each other for a couple of minutes. "Can you say that again?" His voice became quiet.

I smiled a bit. Feeling a bit sad. I knew this was probably one of the first times he had ever heard those words.

"I love you."


I could feel myself start getting choked up, and I found myself reaching over to wipe his tears. "I love you."

"One more time."

"I love you." I said, my voice becoming softer.

He nodded, smiling at me. Tears gently sliding down his cheeks

I held his face, and peppered kisses all over his face to kiss away the tears. "You're my everything, Seonghwa. Marrying you was the best decision I've ever made. My husband."

"I love you." He choked out, riding out his sobs. "I love you so much.. Thank you for loving me."

I held him tightly and took a deep breath, breathing in his scent and relishing in the fact that I didn't feel alone anymore. And I was happy.

I was in love.


He hummed, resting his head on my chest.

"Will you marry me? For real this time?"

That got his attention and he pulled back, our eyes locking.

We stared at each other for the longest time, lost in each other's eyes.


A/N: I decided to finish this pretty quickly so I could get it out. I wrote this a long time ago so I'm sorry if the ending is rushed. Like Just Strangers, I might eventually come back to this.

I love you guys! 💞

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