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 Wooyoung had invited me to a party, I wasn't entirely sure why he kept doing it but I kinda appreciated it. That he never forgot me despite me never going. I turned it down again though.

I was just lounging on the couch, watching tv in my pajamas when Joong walked out of the hall, dressed up and walked towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, leaning over the edge of the couch. He didn't look like he was dressed for anything work related. I guess I assumed both of us were staying home.

"A party." He said.

I blinked. "Can I come?" I asked.

He turned around, staring at me. "Why?"

I shrugged, "I'm bored and as long as it's not work related."

He then looked me up and down, "No." He answered.

I pouted, "Why not? I can get changed."

"I'm not waiting for you." He said.

Frowning, I let out a long breath. "What am I supposed to do here alone?"

"It's none of my business."

"Just this once!" I begged, desperately needing something to do.

He groaned, gesturing to my room. "Hurry!"

"Please don't leave while I'm getting dressed." I pleaded then ran to my room, quickly getting dressed. I chose comfortable over anything else, especially since I didn't have time to ponder over what might look good.

I left my room to find him still waiting for me and the moment he saw me he walked out. I followed behind him and got in the passenger seat.

He didn't say a word, just drove to the party. What surprised me was that it was a college party, considering he didn't go to college it was a bit odd.

He walked towards the house and I stayed close by him. I quickly recognized many of the students that actually went to my college and a few of them even paused to stare at me in shock. I've been invited to parties multiple times so I was sure it would be a bit shocking to see me at one.

The party was already loud, music blaring. Some people were just chilling on seats or by the walls, talking over the music and drinking, others smoking weed or having mushrooms on the seats, others dancing to the music.

The moment Joong walked in, a boy ran up to him smiling. "I didn't expect you to come, you're always so busy!" He shouted.

"What can I say, I missed you guys. Where's everyone else?" Joong asked.

"Yunho is probably making out with someone and everyone else is just doing their own thing. I'll gather them in a bit. Is this your husband?" He asked, eyeing me over Joong's shoulder. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Jongho!"

He held his hand out for me to shake, which I took, "I'm Seonghwa!" I answered.

He laughed, "I know." Shaking my hand then letting it go. He looked around, pointing to a loveseat that hadn't been taken. "I'll go find them, just relax."

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