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"No." I answered.

"Yes." My godmother countered. "This is necessary and I've already talked it out with his son. It's happening tomorrow whether you like it or not."

I shook my head, not believing the situation I was in. "I've sacrificed my whole life for this company. And you still need more sacrifices?"

"Stop acting like I'm doing this to hurt you, I had to do the same thing. This marriage won't last forever. It's just to help our company."

"You're acting like this isn't marriage!" My voice raised without intending to.

"It's a business deal!" She snapped back, "That's all this is, it's a business deal and you've done countless before. This is no different."

"It's a business deal that will completely alter my life."

"I know this isn't ideal-"

"Ideal?! This is damn right disgusting!" I shouted.

"Disgusting or not, it has to happen. The deal has already been made. If you refuse, we lose everything." Her tone slipped into pleading. The most desperate I'd ever seen this woman.

Without saying anything, I walked out of her office.

The courthouse was filled with a bunch of people I didn't even know. My father was a bit frustrated that I refused to show up in a proper tuxedo but this was a business deal. I was going to treat it as such.

I didn't know what to expect, I had never met The Park family's son, only their daughter.

The thoughts of what the man would be like, what I'd have to sacrifice and how I'd have to protect myself. This situation could go dead wrong so fast and it's like I was the only one concerned.

However, what I didn't expect was for a man to walk in with the CEO of Park Entertainment, it was obvious he was the one I was going to marry with how he was dressed.

He was...a lot more feminine than I expected. His features were softer, he was practically a pencil.

I stared at him, mixed feelings arising in my gut but I finally decided on how to feel. Looks or not, he was still a man who was an heir to a huge company. Soft looking or not, with my luck he'd turn out to be the biggest spoiled asshole.

He was quickly directed towards the altar where I stood and walked up to me. He bowed and then stood next to me in his place. I decided to not look at him, not wanting to give him any unnecessary attention.

The service was over rather quickly, we were both given rings that were also not our choice and from the looks of mine...I was going to change it as fast as I could.

Other than our vows that neither of us meant, we hadn't even talked a word to each other. From what I could tell though, the guy was interesting.

I watched someone clearly bump into him and like a paper doll he almost fell to the ground. But instead of being upset, he just bowed and quickly apologized. Making sure the other guy was okay despite the other guy being a prick.

The first thing he really said to me was to ask if I was thirsty and if I wanted him to get me a drink. I declined and didn't speak another word to him.

I ended up in conversations I didn't want to be in, most of them ending with people congratulating me as if this was what I wanted. After two hours of walking around and talking to our guests I was exhausted and I just wanted to go home. To do what? I had no clue.

The man, his name being Seonghwa, was supposed to move in with me in three days. Which wasn't nearly enough time for him to pack or for me to make room for him.

I ended up sitting on a bench outside, watching cars drive by. Each with their own lives. Neither of us caring about the other's problems.

I sat in silence for a couple of minutes until I heard the door to the courthouse open and sobs.

I didn't move and I didn't look, because I didn't care. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I hadn't smoked for months but hearing about today, I grabbed my emergency stash and took it with me. Knowing I'd have to break my strike.

After ten more minutes, the sobbing didn't cease so I stood, walking around the building to see my new husband sitting on the steps, crying.

I stood above him, then offered him my cigarette. He looked up, disgusted by the fact I smoked. Well, neither of us were happy about that but here we are.

"No, thank you." He said, trying to be polite. It was dark so I think he thought his tears were hidden well but they weren't. The moonlight making his face glisten.

I finished it, then dropped it in the bucket by the wall, seeing that many people obviously smoked here. "Okay." I said then turned on my heel, leaving him there. That's the only amount of empathy I could spare at the moment.

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