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"I thought you were going to work today."

"I'm taking today off." I said, walking towards the door. "Shouldn't you be filling your friends in that you are in fact alive and more or less healthy. At least in one department."

He frowned, walking past me. "Whatever."

I groaned, "Fuck, I'm supposed to be nice to you."

He gave me a look, "What do you mean you're supposed to be nice to me?"

"I decided I'd start being nice to you since I'm the reason you've been in screwed situations...twice." I said. "So I'm trying not to cause anymore and really lose my mind."

"What happened wasn't your fault." He said.

"Agree to disagree. What do you want to do today since I have the day off?" I asked.

"Would it upset you if I said I was going to school?" He asked. I stared at him for a minute. "I guess so. Um...I have no idea. I'm used to you ignoring me 24/7 so getting your attention feels weird."

"You're making this hard."

"You're making this weird."

"Touche." I sighed, "Since you were so adamant on getting real food, I'll actually cook for us."

"You can cook?"

"Yes, of course I can cook." I took a second to calm myself down. Wow, I really did have a horrible personality.

"Do you usually let people get on your nerves that easily?" He asked. "How do you even work with people?"

"There's a reason why I usually shut the fuck up. What, you thought I enjoyed never talking to people?"

"Kinda." He sat at the bar stool, resting his elbows on the kitchen island.

"I envy your patience." I continued, pulling out stuff to make steak. "I guess I should've assumed since you're friends with Wooyoung."

"You're also friends with Wooyoung."

I scoffed, "I don't have to put up with him nearly as much as you do. I'll stick to Jongho and Sang."

"Ah yes, the introverts of the group. Also side note, how long have you been friends with San?"

I paused, thinking. "Um...around eight years about. He's a good kid. Why?"

"Wooyoung just seems to be getting closer to him."

"You mean Wooyoung's crush on him?" I asked and Seonghwa's eyes widened. "It's pretty obvious if you know Wooyoung, you can usually tell when he has a crush on someone. He's pretty open about how he feels."

"Really? I felt like this time he's been a bit calmer."

"Yeah but that's because he doesn't know if San likes guys or not. Despite that he's still glued to his side whenever they're together."

"You said you've known him for eight years, do you not know what he's into?" He asked.

"San doesn't talk about it much, I don't think he really gives a shit if I'm being perfectly honest. He's never shown much interest in certain genders. He's pretty open minded with what I can tell. But then again, he doesn't usually date."

"Why not?! He's incredibly handsome, has a good personality and is insanely smart."

"Why, are you interested in him?" I asked, turning the stove on and hovering my hand over the burner to check the heat.

"No." He said bluntly. "Can you ask what San is into though? You know Wooyoung, he loves pretty easily and I don't want him getting hurt again."

"If you think that's necessary, sure. But Wooyoung usually hates people getting involved in his love life." I turned the steak then put a lid on it, turning the heat down.

"I just want him to be happy, you know? I feel like he deserves that with how much love he's put out into the world."

I nodded, "I'll talk to San then."

Seonghwa started blinking rapidly and put a hand over his eye.

"Are you dying?"

"I have something in my eye." He managed.

I walked around the counter, tilting his face up, "Open." I said. He hesitated but did. I softly blew in his eye, leaving for a minute to wash my hands before I came back. Very gently I picked it out. "It's out." I looked at him and realized that things had become very...interesting.

I had brought my face way too close to his so I could blow in his eye and my hand still held his jaw up, my other hand cradling his cheek as I had wiped something out of his eye.

I had also realized that actually giving a shit about him changed my view on him pretty much completely. It shouldn't have been as hard as it was to admit to myself that he was exactly my type.


I stopped breathing the moment he grabbed my face, my hands gripped each other to stop myself from shaking. I felt lightheaded.

The butterflies in my stomach weren't a thing, I wasn't sure why I always heard that because right now it wasn't butterflies, it was bees.

I watched the realization break over his face but instead of immediately jolting back he tilted his head to the side, "Are you okay?" he asked.

He was toying with me. He had to have been toying with me.

Especially since I couldn't really answer.

Then to make things even more embarrassing, I almost slipped off the stool, making me choke on air.

He caught me, putting me back on the stool.

It was worse. Way worse. It wasn't getting better. Just worse.

His hands were positioned on my waist and I was still struggling to find my breath.

"I think the steak needs to be checked." I managed. He turned towards it, knowing I was right he moved over to the stove and I tried to hide my extremely red face.

I wouldn't survive not loving him.

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