swimming in a lake (requested)

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after seeing my friend complaining how he's got a cramp, trying to loosen his leg muscles to make the pain go away at yesterday's sleepover, it inspired me and gave me a story idea for this request finally lol

tbh, i'm not really sure if i like this, but yeah, i tried my best so sorry if you aren't satisfied... lately, i didn't really have much will to write 😅😔

also, thank you for 40k reads !!!!!

you yawned as you strolled outside, feeling the grass underneath your bare feet. it had been a slow night and a lazy morning and you wouldn't have complained if you had slept a little more, having been reluctant to leave the bed, but the other two - your best friend, y/bff, and their cousin, c/n, were already up, the cabin being empty save for you. you had just brushed your teeth and eaten breakfast, still in your pyjamas - the grass tickled your skin.

"y/n! you finally woke up? i was beginning to think you died in there," c/n yelled at you from the lake. of course, he and y/bff were already soaking themselves up in the water. they were quite far from the shore - you squinted to see the clearer, and shouted back your reply.

"you should've woken me up." annoyance dripped from your tone. then, vanishing back into the cabin, you dressed into your swimsuit and went back outside. the air was warm already from the sun, the night's chill gone, so you didn't need to put anything over your bare skin as you stepped outside only in the swimsuit you wore. instead of instantly getting into the water, though, you sat by the shore and soaked in the sun, absorbing the soft rays which flowed down onto you from the sky above.

you had always liked it here. the place was somehow comforting, where you held no responsibilities but had fun with your friends. it was a reckless time when you did not need to think, an escape where you could forget everything and only focus on the people who were there with you and hang out together. of course, you spared a little more attention to c/n, y/bff's cousin. you weren't even sure when you developed those feelings for him, but you suddenly couldn't help but glance at him from the corner of your eyes, to admire him if he was far away. as he swum, the muscles on his back moved, tensing up and loosening. water glinted off his wet, slick skin and his hair stuck to his scalp. every time he'd notice you staring, he'd grin and wave. you'd turn away.

but still, you continued to be good friends. and you didn't really feel and need to push it forward, to try to become something more - being friends was just fine with you. at least for now.

"come join us!" y/bff called, their cousin nodding in agreement as they both saw you sitting by the shore.

"isn't the water too cold?" you called back. "you could've at least waited until afternoon!" you added.

"i waited the whole winter for this!" c/n's shout. of course, he loved to swim. especially in that lake, near the cabin they own. and the water was finally warm enough to be swimming in, after months of late autumn, winter and early spring, the sun warmed up the water to a cool temperature. well, cool temperature to your friends. to you, it still felt cold - it'd be better by afternoon, when the sun will shine with even more heat. "it's not that cold, anyway!"

but you knew it was, didn't want to go in just yet but rather enjoy the sun shining down upon your skin, catching the first tan. y/bff began to swim your way.

"actually, it is quite cold," y/bff whispered to you secretly as they walked out of the water, meeting you on the shore. "i need to go warm up," shivering, they vanished into the cabin in search of a towel. you smiled and looked back at c/n. he was staring at you again.

he swam a little closer, just enough for you to see all his facial features clearly and distinctly, enough for him not to need to shout at you. "are you sure you didn't change your mind?" he spread his arms wide open, a grin overtaking his face. "just you, me, and water."

"and catching a cold afterwards for swimming in such cold water."

"oh c'mon. i'll keep you warm if you feel cold," he said without hesitation and you had to avert your face to hide your flushed cheeks from him, your face feeling warm. how could he just say such things so casually? it really wasn't helping in keeping your feelings at bay. "hey, it's a one in a lifetime offer, y'know," he added, making you look back at him. he had moved closer when you weren't looking. so close he could almost plant his whole feet on the rocks at the bottom of the lake.

"later," you promised. later, when the water will be warmer, you'll have nothing against swimming in there. but you hated to swim in freezing water.

c/n's shoulders slouched and his grin faded, replaced with a pout. "won't even my tricks make you change your decision?" with that, he dived into the water, his legs sticking out above the surface. he suddenly started to move his feet, kicking his legs like a performance swimmer. the only difference was that this looked funny and quite bad. you couldn't help but chuckle.

as he resurfaced, he straightened his shoulders and held his chin high. "so? what do you say? should i think about a career as a performance swimmer?"

instead of giving him a proper answer, you laughed again - he joined, his laughter carrying in melodic waves to your ears. he raised his arms above his head, held his hands together like a ballerina, and turned around in the water. then again. the third time, his face suddenly twisted in pain. as he turned, he moved farther and farther into the water again, where it was deeper - he trashed his hands around as he tried not to sink down. "i got a cramp! y/n!"

panic in your eyes, you jumped up. without thinking, you ran into the water, not even aware of the cold anymore. adrenaline filled your veins and you could only focus on c/n in front of you - he tried to scream, but water filled his mouth and began to cough. he was almost all the way in the water, only his face above the surface still. "i'm coming!" you shouted quickly. "y/bff!" you didn't even turn around as you shouted your best friend's name, who was still in the cabin, wanting for them to come and help. you were already swimming towards him.

as if from a distance, you heard y/bff's shouts too, and water breaking as they hurriedly ran into it, swimming your direction as well. you didn't reply, only swam further and more.

your hands grazed skin. your fingers caught hold of an arm. you felt his fingers clasp around your arm as well. and then, he was above the surface, gasping for breath, clutching at your shoulders and waist, holding on to you.

"c/n, are you okay? are you okay?" you mumbled and ranted, asking him and asking, until he finally nodded. y/bff reached you two and together, all three of you swam back to the shore, you and y/bff helping c/n, who still had his leg cramped up.

when you were on the shore, y/bff ran inside to get a pair of towels for you and c/n both, while you stayed with him. he sat, face still painful, and tried to loosen his muscles in his leg by massaging it.

"are you really okay?"

"i am," his voice was harsher than he intended to make it. he was probably tired of your constant asking and pressing.

"i was just worried. you could've died," you muttered softly, embarrassed suddenly.

as if realizing, he looked at you, the harsh tone disappearing as he said, "i know. i'm sorry, too." he was a lot more gentle now to you, and smiled. "i didn't mean to." after another while, he finally stood up, stretching his leg. "the cramp's gone now." his trademark grin was back on his face and he jumped up a few times.

"you know you should warm up before going in the water," you told him, slightly accusatory. "especially if you haven't swum for a longer time.

"i know, i know," he waved his hand at you. "but hey, you saved me. i knew you wouldn't let me die." he said it with such certainty.

before you could open your mouth to say something, he picked you up and ran towards the lake again. "now that you've already been in the water, let's swim a little more." with a smirk of mischief, he tackled you into the water.

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