bus crush

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A/n: I'm sorry this is so stupid lol

like mondays?

who would even like mondays?

you knew no person of such an opinion and you did not belong to them either. mondays were the painful reminder of waking up early in the morning, of all the undone, forgotten homework and exams, a reminder that this is only the beginning - and that there are still four more days to survive.

on top of that, you also started mondays earlier than the rest of the week because your teachers were nice enough to put (hated/subject) as your not first, as normal, but zeroth lesson on mondays.

they really were encouraging depression in you guys.

as if mondays were already not bad enough, you overslept your alarm. even though your mom claimed to have heard you groan and turn off the alarm as you stormed through your room towards your beeping phone which you left on your desk the night before, you remembered no such thing when you actually got up a bit later, having to speed run getting ready.

and throwing on your yesterday's outfit, you were running outside to catch your bus. luckily, your stop was only a few minutes away.

as your feet thudded across the pavement while you ran, a bus joined your race and overtook you, the bus you were meant to take. you looked ahead to see how many people were waiting at the bus stop, if it'd be enough time for you to get there as well.

there were only two. a grandma returning from her grocery shopping with a bag full of vegetables, and a boy around your age, with a school bag of his own.

a new kid? you had never seen another kid going to school with you on your bus. you just lived in the part of town where there were only older people or kindergarteners, so seeing another teen going to school from the same town district was a rare occurrence.

maybe they had just moved here.

but oh shit, you won't make it. they both had just gotten on and you still had the road to cross, which was beginning to get very busy this time in the morning, with everyone going to school or work.

but hey, it's still waiting there at the bus stop? was the driver actually nice enough to wait for you?

you doubted that.

oh my god.

the boy was standing in the door with one foot still outside, looking in your direction. when you finally reached the bus, all gasping and red, he hopped on and you followed close. you saw him give you a smile as you did so.

you would have said thanks if your breathing was not that erratic and actually allowed you to say something, but were you feeling nauseous from such running. oh god, you really needed some more exercise. and he had already seated himself. it'd be weird to come up to him, you told yourself.

but he looked good, you also told yourself. fine, even.

whatever. just get your ticket and sit down yourself, you spat at yourself in your head, leading a battle between minding your own business and staring at the boy to figure all of his intentions out.

but wow, you had really nice denim dick when you sat down in those pants. one to be envied, truly.

your cheeks colored.

you just had your zipper undone.

could mondays just get any worse? not only did a fine piece of a man see you all red and gasping for breath after running so inelegantly towards your bus, but you did not even zip up your pants?! oh my god, was that the actual reason he smiled? he was just making fun of you?

can i just bury myself in the ground at this point, you asked yourself and seriously began contemplating it during the bus ride.

at least the boy had gotten off sooner than you and you did not have to go through the embarrassing moment of walking awkwardly slowly behind him to school since he obviously attended a different one.

and, much to your prayers, you did not meet him on your way back home in the bus.


another monday came sooner than anyone asked for it. no, like, literally. there were still like seven hours left of sunday when bam, you were turning off your alarm to get ready for (hated/subject).

at least you were on time.

you actually managed to suppress the new boy out of your mind, so it was a little surprise for you to see him at the bus stop. anyway, he gave you a smile again, his e/c eyes crinkling as he did so.

your heart unseemly picked up its pace.

you ignored it - tried to - and returned his smile.

later that day you realized you had a piece of food stuck on your front teeth.

but while you were still pleasantly oblivious to this fact, you gave the boy a few more smiles when you caught him staring at you in the bus.


another monday, the cycle repeating.

should i just tell mom i feel sick and skip today? you asked yourself and decided the answer is yes.

your mom did not believe you anymore, though, and forced you to go. she was a smart one, that woman.

the boy was waiting at the stop once again and gave you a smile when you reached it. this time, he also waved. you had made sure at home that everything was how it should be, zipper zipped, teeth brushed to blinding perfection, hair styled, clothes ironed - you could smile back in confidence without embarrassing yourself even further.

when the bus arrived and you hopped on, he asked to sit next to you. you nodded yes at him.

"my name's c/n," he said outta nowhere and turned his head to look at you.

"y/n," you replied since you were raised a polite person and took his offered hand.

"nice to meet you, bus partner," he winked.

you mumbled something along the lines of 'you too' - you could not recall, as his wink made you go blank for a solid minute or so.

you only remembered how he was getting off sooner than you as always and saw a piece of paper on the seat he had occupied. a piece of paper with his number written on it, and the question: let's be friends? call me to hang out :D

you smiled like the idiot that you were the rest of the ride.

maybe mondays did not seem so bad after all.

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