sleepover at y/n's (requested)

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"Y/n? What's wrong?" C/n's voice sounded full of concern over the phone.

"I-" you tried, but your sobs did not let you finish the sentence. You broke down, crying.

"Wait, don't worry. I'll come over in fifteen, m'kay?" he told you.

You nodded although he couldn't see you, and cried harder as you waited.


You practically ran to the door when you heard him knocking, throwing yourself at him. He engulfed you in a hug, ushering you inside as he closed the door behind himself. He caressed your back.

"What happened?"

"He broke up with me!" You sobbed into his shoulder.

His grip on you tighten as he carefully walked you over to the couch, sitting on it while keeping you in his arms.

"What a dick," he muttered. "He didn't deserve you anyway. You're way out of his league."

You finally pulled away from him, properly looking at his face. "You think so?"

"Of course I think so. He's not worth you being sad over him." He pulled you back into his embrace, petting your hair. "You shouldn't waste your time crying over such jerks."

Your shoulders shook as you chuckled despite the emotions you were feeling. "I know, but I still kinda liked him. I... guess I just don't want to be alone."

"Hey, but you're not alone," he said, taking your face in his hands and gazing into your eyes. "You have me. You'll always have me." He said it so firmly and surely your heart slightly melted.

You placed your own hand atop his, leaned into his touch. "I know. Thanks." You closed your eyes, trying to calm down and stop the flow of tears streaming down your cheeks from your eyes. C/n wiped them all away.

"Also," you broke the silence that had settled between the two of you, "I wish I was the one to break up with him, not the other way around." Your joke made him laugh and he ruffled your hair in response.

"Oh, did that hurt your ego?" he teased, raising an eyebrow at you. "But I really meant it - he doesn't deserve you and he's stupid for letting go of such treasure." His face turned serious again.

You blinked in surprise at his words, at how he'd just called you a treasure. Excusing yourself to go to the bathroom, you told him to pick a movie in the meantime. You thought that perhaps a good movie will be able to distract you from your feelings and emotions, which you very much needed at that moment.

You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror's reflection. Your eyes were puffy and so red from crying and your mouth was hanging low - when you tried to smile, it looked terrible at best. You were a total wreck and yet C/n did not even flinch when he saw your face and the state you were in.

You did as much to save some of your dignity - it you even had any in the first place - by splashing your face with ice cold water and biting the inside of your cheek anytime a new tear threatened to fall down and when you returned, C/n was already all ready to watch to movie, with a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

You nestled close to him as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, making sure you knew he was right there for you, and the movie began to play.


C/n yawned right as the ending credits began to play. "Wanna sleep now?" he asked.

You nodded yes at him, standing up and stretching your arms and legs. The position that you were in on the couch had been so comfortable you hardly wanted to move, but you knew you could not stay like that forever. Also, if you'd fall asleep on that couc, your neck and back would probably be hurting the next day anyway.

To the bed, it was.

"So..." C/n started, which made you look back at him. "Can you get me a blanket?"

"Are you that cold?" You looked at him with a confused expression.

"Well, for sleeping." He looked behind him at the couch before returning his gaze to you.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "You can sleep in my bed. It's big enough."

"I don't want to invade your privacy or make you uncomfortable-"

"Nonsense," you cut him off, "you won't invade my privacy at all. Besides, if I had you by my side, I'd feel more comfortable than by myself. I don't want to be alone," you admitted, voice quiet.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds before nodding at last. "Okay, then."

He followed you into your bedroom, both of you laying down.

"Can you- can you hug me?" you asked into the night, glad the dark kept him from seeing the blush on your cheeks. You just couldn't help it, his hugs felt too good, especially when you weren't feeling your best.

Without an audible response, he turned on his side and wrapped an arm around your waist, keeping his palm firmly on your stomach.

"Thanks," you whispered.

"No need to thank me. I hate to see you sad."

You sighed. "Yeah. But I can't help it."

"I know, Y/n. I know. It's okay." He nestled his head in the crook of your neck.

Maybe half an hour had passed - maybe an hour, or perhaps two? You had no idea.

The only thing you knew was that you could not fall asleep. Your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of your break up, your ex boyfriend and whatever random stuff it could dig out of memory.

"C/n? Are you sleeping?"

Nothing, only his soft breaths. So he was.

You tried to turn around to get a better look at his face. "What should I do, then? I can't sleep," you groaned to yourself softly.

The peacefully sleeping boy next to you shifted, his eyes opening slightly. "Y/n? Are you not asleep yet?"

You must've woken him up by your movement. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you. I can't fall asleep. There's too many things going on in my mind," you admitted to him.

He leaned his head on his hand, elbow against the mattress while still keeping the other on your stomach. "Maybe I know a way to make you tired." A flash traveled through his eyes and he began rubbing circles on your stomach.

You took in a sharp breath, held it. You felt his fingers reach your panties, slipping under the fabric.


Your words were muffled by his lips on yours and his fingers teasing you. You moaned into the kiss and bit his lip slightly.

"Let me make you feel better," he pleaded and dipped his finger inside you when you gave him a slight nod of approval. You let out a tiny moan and shut your eyes close at the sudden pleasure.

His lips sucked on your neck while his fingers explored you from inside, making every single thought in your head disappear as your mind went blank.

hey so i know this was supposed to be a 'boyfriend comforts yn' as the request originally stated (i believe) but i wrote it like this (literally just a turned around version of the previous imagine) before i had a chance to remember so im sorry if its not exactly like that... but im honestly too tired to rewrite 😭
still hope you like it tho

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