a place to stay

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"What's up, fucktard?" you said into the phone as soon as you put it next to your ear after accepting the call, speaking quietly so no passersby would hear.

"Yo, idiot!" your brother yelled out from the other line, a little bit too loudly for your liking and you immediately snatched the phone away from your ear.

"Hey! Speak a little louder, will you? I can't really hear what you've just said," you told him sarcastically, putting the phone back to your ear as you walked down the street to your apartment from work.

You heard your brother click his tongue before continuing cheerfully, "so, I was wondering..."

"What do you need?" Your voice was laced with boredom.

"Don't be so negative, now," he said disapprovingly. "I only need a little favor."

"What?" You narrowed your eyes even though you knew he can't see it.

"I thought maybe about going to [the country you live in] next week," he explained.

You got a feeling you knew where this conversation was hinting towards. Still, you asked, hopeful you were wrong about the assumption, "and what exactly has that got to do with me?"

"Well, since you live there and you're, you know, my family, you could let me stay over at your place?"

You weren't wrong.

"Will you pay?"

"C'mon! We haven't seen each other for such a long time, aren't you happy you'll get to see me?" he exclaimed into the phone.

Truth be told, you couldn't deny you did want to see your brother. It was a year or so since the last time you've seen him, and even that lasted only for the weekend. Getting to see him for a whole week? It would give you lots of time to catch up and do some weird stupid shit together.

"Alright, of course you can," you sighed after a minute of contemplating.

Well, you only didn't really like people coming over to your apartment, because they always left a mess after themselves. And you knew your brother was really messy if he didn't grow out of it - those chances were small though, last time you saw him a year ago, his room was like a junkyard.

"That's great! Also, did I mention C/n is coming too?" he innocently added and quickly hung up before you could change your mind about the decision.


You let the name roll about in your mind as you approached your apartment, retrieving your keys from your bag and unlocking the door.

How long did you not see him for?

It must've been at least around ten years already.

You weren't even sure if your brother was still friends with him - you knew for sure they were best friends in middle school, and since he's coming along with your brother on the trip, you guessed they still were good friends.

You remember him hanging out in your house every second afternoon (the other afternoons would spend your brother over at his), coming there from middle school together. Your parents were never home early from work and so you, being two years older than them, got the role of watching over the two.

Until your parents got divorced and your brother stayed in your old house with your mom while you moved away with your dad.

The first years after the divorce, you still used to meet up quite frequently and often - your parents ended on a good note, remaining friends (or at least acquaintances) and you and your brother were always eager to meet.

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