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Sometimes, your part time job demanded you staying over since late night. Today was one of those days and even though your shift ended after midnight, you weren't feeling a bit tired. It was the opposite, you had so much energy you thought you could go on with the next shift without a problem. You knew it wouldn't be a wise choice, though - you may have energy now, but it'll wash off soon and leave you feeling as tired as ever.

You didn't go to your apartment after you got off work, instead, you walking over to his just like you promised you would the day before. Of course, you hadn't expected you'll be needed so long, but a promise is a promise and you were determined to go there. Even if you wouldn't be able to do what you had originally planned, you could still spend the rest of your nights pleasantly together.

The walk there wasn't long, but it wasn't the shortest either. When you got there, the chilly night air had already gotten through your skin and your fingers were freezing. Stepping into the warm apartment, you shook off your jacket and saw there was light coming from the living room. Placing your feet quietly on the floor and walking up to the couch, he was sitting there, half watching tv, half sleeping.

He noticed your presence and turned his head in a second. His sleepy eyes brightened, "hi. I've been waiting for you the whole night."

You apologetically smiled at him, "sorry."

He shook his head to let you know he wasn't angry. He patted the free space next to him, "come sit. We still have time to watch a movie before the dawn breaks in."

You nodded. After finishing your business in the bathroom, you made yourself comfortable next to him. You sat close enough, but he still moved even closer. With not even a millimetre of space between your bodies, he leaned his head on your shoulder, his hair tickling your cheek.

"We can go to sleep if you're tired," you turned your head to bury your nose in his hair and inhaled his scent. Placing a soft kiss on the top of his head, you started feeling a bit sleepy yourself. As the wave of tiredness swayed through you, your eyes started to close and it was harder and harder to keep them focused on the tv screen.

"Now look who's the tired one," a mocking voice pointed out. He lifted his head and was now looking at your sleepy state.

"Shut up!" You playfully smacked his shoulder as you pushed him away from you a little.

Instead of scooting over to you as he previously was, he laid down and placed his head onto your thighs. "Let's just sleep," he murmured and buried his face in your belly.

You let out a laugh at this, "it tickles." Running a hand through his soft locks, you answered him, "let's finish this movie. It should be only about twenty more minutes."

He nodded his head and wrapped his arms around your waist. His back was still turned to the tv and he made no move to suggest wanting to turn around and finish watching it. He continued laying down on you as you played with his hair, his head next to your stomach and he occasionally turned his head upwards to glance at you.

Suddenly, you felt two fingers pinching the skin under you chin.

Shifting your gaze away from the tv to look at him, you sighed at him, "what?"

He laughed, the sound muffled by your t-shirt since he buried his head in your stomach when you looked down at him. "Nothing. I'm bored."

"Then watch."

"Don't wanna."

"Then sleep."

"Together." He took your hand from his hair and began playing with it, intertwining your fingers. He was waiting for you to finish watching just so that you could fall asleep together.

His eyes were fluttering close as he struggled to keep them open after around ten minutes, when the end credits began to play, and you turned the tv off, signalling for him to get up.

"C'mon, you, we'll sleep now."

He reluctantly lifted his head of your thighs and shook it. "No, I'm not gonna move. Let's sleep here."

"But the bed is much more comfortable and we have more space there," you sang out into his ear as you bent your head downward to him.

"At least we'll have to stay really close to each other while we sleep," he giggled funnily.

Rolling your eyes at him, you remained silent as he tugged you down. Pulling your feet up onto the couch, you settled snuggly near him and felt his arms sneak their way around your waist, gluing you to him.

Your legs tangled together, you softly pressed your lips together in a goodnight kiss.

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