surprise visit (requested)

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"babe!" an excited voice yelled from the middle of the apartment. you had decided to surprise your boyfriend with a visit since you had not seen him for over a month due to you finishing your studies on different universities in different states.

you had a chance to caught a blur of h/c hair before a body crashed into yours as he practically flew out of the living room where he was chilling on the couch, watching a movie. you felt his heart pick up its pace through the thin fabric of your clothes as your bodies pressed close.

"hey," you replied, laughing and running a hand through his hair. "i missed you." you scratched the back of his neck.

"i missed you more," he mumbled, squeezing you tighter.

his lips were salty due to the chips he'd been munching on previously, but his kiss was as sweet as sugar, like honey drizzled strawberries.

he held you gently as though you were a porcelain doll and he was afraid a single breath in your way would break you.

he held you tightly as though you were water and he was afraid of you slipping through his fingers right under his touch.

because he would never ever want to harm you nor watch you leave.

you stood there hugging for a good five minutes, if not even more. feeling his arms grip your sides and back was comforting, the same as it was to feel his back muscles clench and relax under your hands as you rubbed his back. you could only focus on his touch and the way he smelled.

he felt like the teddy bear you used to hug while sleeping as a small kid. he brought you so much peace and tranquility.

he had his head on your shoulder, occasionally pecking the side of your neck.

"hey, that tickles," you chuckled and tried to pull away from his fluttering kisses, but failed as his grip did not allow you.

"where are you going? stay here with me," he whispered into your ear. he lifted up his head and began placing tiny kisses all across your face, on your forehead, on your nose, on your cheeks, on your eyes, on your chin, into the corners of your lips.

"stop that," you laughed and turned sideways, your skin all wet from his pecks.

he grabbed your chin and kissed you on the lips, savoring them. you tugged on his lower lip as he pulled away, breathing heavily.

"i just wanna make sure that you can feel how much i love you." his e/c orbs seemed darker, sweeter and more intense than usual.

"i love you too," you mumbled as he stole your lips again, the last sounds muffled by the soft flesh of his lips devouring yours.

"but we should-" you tried to say, but he didn't let you finish and kissed you more. "go into the-" he kissed you harder, taking every chance he got to kiss you. "into the living room," you breathed out in a hurry before he kissed you once again, tongue's meeting and exploring each other's mouths. he began backing away, deeper into the living room instead of standing in the hallway, still without letting your face go.

you pulled his face even closer and he groaned softly as you deepened the kiss. he sat down on the couch and, momentarily breaking away from the kiss, turned you so that your back would face him and pulled you down on his lap, where he put his hands around your waist. you kissed some more until your lips were swollen and it still did not feel like enough.

"babe," his nails dug into your skin. "don't move like that," he moaned quietly.

you had been fidgeting on his lap as you tried to turn around to face him to make kissing him easier, but forgot the effect it would have - your boyfriend embarrassedly pulled away from the kiss and hid his face in the crook of your neck.

"can we just cuddle?" he mumbled into your skin, his hair softly tickling your cheeks and chin. "let me just hold you," he pleaded, his arms wrapped tightly around you, sending you warmth. his voice was meek, tips of his ears red.

"of course, you little baby boy," you cooed and ruffled his hair. his scent was flowing all around you as you two hugged. you heard him humm as response to what you have said, but he kept his face nestled in the crook of your neck. "what are you so shy for all of a sudden?" you chuckled gently at him.

he muttered something you did not quite catch and then, "am not. just like it here." you felt his lips peck your neck. it was an obvious lie as he was still flushed red, but you let him be. "it's been such a long time," he continued. he breathed in deeply through his nose. "you're wearing the perfume i got you," he noticed.

"yeah," you answered both his statements at once, leaning against his chest with your back.

"i'm so so happy you're here. i missed hugging you like this so much," he admitted in a whisper. he lifted his head up and kissed your cheek, rubbing his nose against yours.

"i missed your hugs too. but guess what? i'm able to stay for two weeks!" you proposed the wonderful news to him with a big smile, seeing his eyes light up.

"then, we should make the most of it."

his eyes were still glimmering when he closed them and leaned in for yet another kiss.

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