Drunk And Mistaken 2

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How to make someone fall in love?

Listen to them attentively.

Ask how they feel and tell them you are there for them always.

Make them believe they are important to you.

“Hi, Y/n,” C/n’s voice vibrated throughout the apartment as you entered. He was sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of something in front of him, probably cereals. He had a spoon raised mid way to his mouth.

“Hey, what's up?” you said back, which seemed to take him aback slightly. He didn't expect you to reply as you usually just ignore him. As you usually just glare angrily.

“Are you sick?” he asked, brows knitting together in confusion. “What's with that nice crap?”

“Oh, so you don't like it? I can go back to hating you as well.”

C/n really must've thought that kiss had some kind of an effect for you surely. That his words made you think. That his plan was working and you were beginning to like him.

Oh boy, little did he know he was in for a hell of a ride because of you. You smiled evilly in your mind. You were a genius.

“No, no, no. I like this version of you much better,” he quickly added, as if afraid you can actually change your behaviour in a second. “Are you hungry?”

You shook your head as you were sitting down on the chair opposite C/n at the table. Leaning your head on your hand, you looked at the boy. He was wearing only a simple tee and sweatpants and his hair was fluffed up from him running his fingers through it so messily all the time. His e/c prickled your skin, staring at you intensely when he noticed you observing.

“How was your day?”

Your question lingered in the air for a while before he dared break the silence. “Do you really want to know?” He had just finished the bowl, standing up in order to put it in the sink.

You tried acting dumb, frowning at him. “Of course, why can't I?”

“You weren't like this just a day ago…” he trailed off, shrugging.

“You said so yourself - maybe I don't hate you. Maybe I realised it.”

He gave you such a long, intense stare you were afraid he was going to lash out on you any possible second. But instead, he walked closer until there was only a hair's width dividing you apart, still not taking his eyes away from yours. Trying to find whether you were sincere in them.

You felt his breath fan your cheeks.

His pupils ran from right to left, left to right as he was looking at your eyes.

Your gaze lowered, lingering on his lips before looking back up at him, trying to muster the sweetest smile you could provide while still looking genuine. It semed to work.

He turned his head sideways abruptly, looking everywhere but at you. Taking a step back, he allowed himself to take a deep breath. “My day wasn't interesting at all. I just stayed here.”

“And?” you urged him on.

“And?” repeating your question, he looked at you once more, trying to decipher the meaning behind it.

“And what did you do in here?” you laughed softly.

“Well, I played a game,” he replied, albeit a bit reluctantly. He still seemed to be weirded out by your newest antics.

“What game?” Nevertheless, you tried to continue the conversation. “Something like (game/he/likes)?”

His eyes widened, seemingly in surprise of you knowing he played (game) sometimes. “Yeah!” he nodded quite enthusiastically.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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