fear of the dark

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Here is a little new scenario... it's kinda short because I don't really have much time nor will to write now that school's started.. but i hope you'll still enjoy :)

whose idea again was it to sleep in the basement to make it more exciting? oh, yes, bff/n's. even though your best friend knew just how much you were afraid of the dark, and it was hella dark in the basement. sometimes, you doubted whether they were on your side.

but what could you have done?

admit you were afraid of the dark in front of your whole friend group, including your crush?

there's only one good answer - obviously not.

especially when they all seemed to excited at the thought of sleeping in the basement, telling spooky horror stories and turning the lights off and back on out of the blue when most of you others weren't looking. sure, they were having a lot of fun and you wished you could join them - it was alright when there was light and you knew and could see that they are all next to you, sitting in a big circle. the scary stories they told did not seem so bad either, things older brothers would tell their younger sisters to make them scared at night.

you were no little sister though. you were a grown person already, who won't let such tales get to you. or ... were you really?

as the clock struck morning hour, you all decided to go to sleep - mainly because half of the friend group were already sleeping. it was a basement, so there were no windows, naturally. meaning that, even though it was morning and the sun probably somewhere just below the horizon, it was pitch black down in the room.

pitch black and quiet, letting your imagination run wild and free.

too wild and free.

not even the fact you were laying just beside c/n could soothe your rapid heartbeat still quickening each second nor your hands and forehead sweaty from hiding underneath the covers, where it was too warm.

you looked above you, but you could see no lines as to where the wall was ending and the ceiling beginning. another set of disturbing thoughts swirled through your mind and you shut your eyes close before your mind would tricky you into seeing some strange shape or mould somewhere near you. but as you lay with your eyes closed, you could not help but ask - what if there is something watching me now, but i can't see it and therefore won't have much chance against it when it attacks me?

your heartbeat picked up again.

gosh, you hated yourself for making you even more scared.

you didn't even move, tried to breathe as softly as possible so that no monster would notice you.

of course, rationally, you knew that was not real, and that there were your friends all around you. but the irrational part of the brain pushed the other aside and took control. yes, there were your friends there - but what if, in the meantime, something has taken them silently and you're all by yourself, and the shapes by both your sides are not people, but creatures lurking?

something beside you stirred.

on first instinct, you whispered out, "c/n!" as you got startled by the sound. for some reason, that was the first name that came to your mind. then, you proceeded to prepare yourself for the inevitable death as you had just revealed your location to anything that was in the basement.

the voice which answered was no monster's, though. it was human, soft. "y/n?" it was c/n's.

no! what to tell now?

maybe it would actually be best to stick with the truth.

without hesitation, before you could think twice about it, you asked, still remaining quiet, "can i hold your hand?" you turned your head to your side, where the boy was supposed to be laying, but you could see only indistinct darkness.

there was silence for longer than it should've been. you had started to think he didn't hear you, or pretended not to. but then, he just repeated, "hold my hand?"

pushing all your embarrassment aside, you took a deep breath. "yeah. i'm afraid of the dark and it'll make me feel much better if i could be certain someone's next to me."

as his answer, he reached out his hand towards where he thought yours was. when you felt his fingers brush along your shoulder and arm, you flinched and almost screamed. but then, as his hand traveled lower, he grasped your hand firmly. you felt his body shift closer to yours, your shoulders just barely touching and legs bumping.

he squeezed your hand. "of course. you know you're always safe with me."

you squeezed back, insanely grateful for him not making fun of you and letting you hold his hand for confort. "thank you."

"there's nothing to thank for. whenever you're afraid, just come to me."

your heart calmed down, just like your breaths. soon, they turned into a regular rhythm, soft and slow as you fell asleep. as you were teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, you thought you felt his fingers brush against your cheek, but your mind drifted off to sleep before you could be sure.

when you woke up, you were still grasping his hand, his grip still tight on yours. he seemed to be even closer to you, probably having shifted there as he slept, and you felt his warm breath on your cheeks.

it was the best sleep you've got in a long while.

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