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A/n: double update, thank you so much for 3K !!

Even though you set the brightness to the lowest, it was still enough to burn your eyes as you stared at your phone screen in the dark.

Scrolling mindlessly through whatever social media page and whatnot, you tried to produce as little movement and sound possible.

The body next to you shifted, but remained soundly asleep.

You had your chin leaning against the pillow as you lay on your belly on the mattress. It was the middle of the night, around three in the early morning, yet you weren't sleeping.


A little before, you woke up after a dream and just couldn't fall back sleep. And no, you did not even remember what the dream was about.

Thus, instead of tossing around wide awake, you decided to just kill some time on your phone until you grew tired again. Besides, you risked less to wake up your boyfriend who was laying sleeping next to you than if you would just toss around the bed.

You blinked your eyes. The sleep was not yet coming.

Suddenly, without even noticing the movement, you felt the warm body previously laying next to you roll onto your body.

"What are you doing?" a gruff, coarse voice softly whispered into your ear as his whole weight was now on your own. B/f peeked at your screen, you could see his sleepy reflection through the darker parts on your screen.

"Go back to sleep," you told him just as softly as you clearly saw how he fought the urge to dive back to sleeping with how furiously he was blinking.

He shook his head, "not without you."

The position you were in - him laying on top of your body - quickly grew uncomfortable and so you put your phone away while signalling for him to roll back down. When he did so, you rolled onto your side and faced him.

"Sleep when you want to. I'll be right here," you assured him.

"No," he said adamantly, "why aren't you sleeping?"

"I can't," you admitted, "I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again."

He groaned and shifted closer to you, draping an arm over your waist. "Do you wanna do something?" Even as he was asking, he yawned.

You laughed quietly at his behaviour. "Do something? You look like you're going to fall back asleep right now." It brought a lingering smile to your face.

"Well, I'm tired!" B/f defended himself, at which you only shook your head.

"It's okay, just sleep then."

"But I don't want to let you be awake alone," he kept on protesting and insisted to stay awake with you. His hand was lazily caressing your side and he moved his head so close your noses were bumping.

"If you say so," you replied, still quite amused at how determined he was to stay awake with you when he was so tired and wanted just to sleep.

"Okay." He buried hus face into your neck and breathed. "Smells good," he mumbled and you were pretty sure you weren't actually meant to hear that, given how he quickly pulled away from you, embarrassed and shy, and settled his head down in the pillow a couple inches away from yours.

You gave out another laugh and he buried his face in the pillow.

"Come here," you cooed, opening your arms to him.

Immediately, he moved over and into your arms, where he settled into a comfortable position as you wrapped both of your arms around him. You rested your chin atop his head, his hair tickling your cheeks.

"What now?" he asked and leaned his head against your chest, but also partly against your shoulder to not put too much pressure on your chest so that it wouldn't hurt. He enveloped your hands in his own, rubbing your arms slowly.

"Now, sleep." You grazed your lips on his head, lightly kissing him on his hair, and closed your eyes. You still weren't feeling much tired and like sleeping, but the position you lay in was so comfortable it didn't take long for sleep to crawl to you.

"Y/n?" a low voice called out again in a whisper and you hummed as a response, too comfortable and lazy to open your mouth.

"Goodnight," your B/f said, to which you squeezed him in your arms gently.

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