best friends love triangle 2 (requested)

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It was yet another day. Another day full of tears. Full of pain. That's how you had been feeling since Saturday.

Since Saturday, when you saw C/n kiss F/n on the lips.

Of course, you clearly weren't supposed to see it - you weren't supposed to be there and then in the first place. You had meant to stay at home that day. Only, you changed your decision close after, which now, you regretted. Had you not changed it, deciding to go hang out with them after all, you would have never seen anything like that happen. You could still keep hoping at least a little bit.

Now, all your hopes were crushed and shattered as you saw F/n kiss C/n back. Before they had a chance to spot you, you fled the scene and hadn't talked to any of them since. Maybe it was childish. Maybe it wasn't fair of you. But you didn't care. You were hurting.

The distant gap between you and the two of them only became greater and deeper.

Your phone rang. For the third time that hour. You didn't even have to check who it was - you were sure it was C/n. He had already called you countless of times during your absence lasting from Saturday and messaged you at least a million times, but you successfully ignored all of his tries to get in touch with you.

You felt tired of trying to explain everything. You felt tired of hating your feelings.

The ringing of the phone died down.

You didn't want to see C/n nor F/n and you probably didn't want to have anything in common with them anymore.

How else were you supposed to move on if not by cutting off any contact with them? You couldn't bear to spend time with them anymore, much less continue being their best friend, a comforter and a confidant.

Even though you felt a little guilty for just leaving their lives like this, without a single word or apology - did you really have anything to apologize for, though? - you knew it was for the better. For your better well-being.

At least you thought and hoped it would help.

Sighing, you mindlessly switched through the channels on the tv, not really paying attention. Not really enjoying what you were doing. You couldn't find any joy in what you did, lately.

Another ring echoed through your apartment. At first, you thought it was yet another phone call, but then you realized...

This is too loud to be my phone!

After a second, you realized what it actually was - the door bell.

With heavy reluctance, you stood up to open the door, only to find C/n standing in front of the threshold. For a while, you contemplated shutting the door into his face, staring at his tall frame without any emotion present in your face, but he stepped inside before you could stop him.

"What?" Irritation crept into your voice.

"'What?' Is that the only thing you'll tell me? Heck, I thought you were dead!" He threw up his hands into the air, gesturing with them as a frown etched itself onto his face.

His comment only aided in making you feel even worse. Looking down at your feet, you shrugged at him. "Why should I bother, anyway? You and F/n are good left alone without me."

It actually felt a little nicer to speak a part of your mind.  A very small part, but still.

"What do you mean? Why should we?" he sounded genuinely confused and worried.

You decided to finally let it all out. Why keep it inside anymore? With a deep breath, you said, "I saw you kiss. You- you could've at least told me."

The confusion on his face cleared up only to be replaced with a deep sadness. No surprise or embarrassment.

"Kiss? Me and F/n?" To your disbelief, he began to laugh. "Oh, no, no. You got it all wrong! Was this what has been bothering you so long?"

It made you feel angry with the way he was talking now, so lightly and carefreely about the subject, as if mocking and teasing you for understanding something incorrectly.

You actually got so mad, so irritated for him not respecting your feelings and invalidating them. So mad, you actually ran away from the apartment, even though it was yours and C/n was the visitor, leaving him standing in the middle of the room, dumbfounded.

You just did not want to see him anymore. For real.

Faintly, you could hear his footsteps trailing behind you and you could tell he was catching up fairly quickly. You had just wanted to cross the road, stopping for a second to look whether there were any cars, when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist.

"Y/n. I'm sorry," was what he said and waited until you turned around to face him, his hand still holding on to your own.

The sadness was back in his face, mirrored in his eyes. "We didn't kiss, though. I mean, I did, but not F/n."

"I saw F/n kiss you back," you protested, being sure of it. Then, ripping your arm free of his grip, you took a step away from him on the sidewalk.

Shaking his head no, he clarified, "F/n pulled away and told me he/she doesn't feel the same way."

So what you saw... wasn't right? Maybe you ran away to soon to see what happened afterwards - that could've been true.

You were about to open your mouth to say something when his behaviour made you shut up. He was clearing his throat as if he had more to say.

"Besides, I found out I... didn't like it as well. I-" he grew quiet with his confession, nervous to continue, but went on after a while, "I think I like someone else."

Your eyes watered again. And then, it all exploded within you.

"You know what? I don't actually care. I. Really. Don't. CARE!" you screamed, jabbing him into his chest with your finger. The jabbing turned into hitting, your whole palms of your hands hit his chest, but instead of attempting to grab them to stop you from doing it, you felt his hands on your cheeks. Cheeks, which you didn't realize were wet.

He wiped the tears off of your face, tears you didn't realize were spilling down from your eyes as you collapsed against his chest. "I don't want to care anymore," you sobbed.

"Shh," he hushed you calmly and began to rock gently. His warm hands caressed your back.

"No, you don't understand," you whispered and leaned away from you. You knew you needed to keep your distance. Closing your eyes, the words left your mouth before you could think about it.

"I like you."

There it was, fast and steady. It was over.

You were enveloped in darkness. Through your closed eyelids, you could make out very faint beams of sunlight, but you refused to open them. You were too afraid to not see him standing in front of you anymore to do that. You were too afraid that when you did open them, you'll be standing on the middle of the sidewalk alone.

Because you were sure he left. Why would he stay?

You flinched when you felt a big, warm hand on your cheek. Then, you flinched again when you felt a soft pair of lips pressing against yours. Flinching again when you felt them move against yours in a gentle movement, only then did you finally got the courage to open them.

But as soon as you opened them, as soon as you saw C/n's face directly in front of yours as he slowly kissed you, you closed them again to melt into the moment.

"I like you too," C/n muttered with his deep voiced laced in raspiness the words you longed to hear forever before kissing you more.

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