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(A/N trigger warning! This chapter contains abuse, homophobic slurs and strong language. Skip until you see ✝️)

I walked through the front door of my house after San dropped me off a few blocks away and sighed when I heard my parents talking.

"I'm home!"

"It's about time. Where were you?!" My dad said looking at me as I hung up my coat and took off my shoes.

"Work. I would've been home sooner but I was hungry and stopped to eat something. "

"Were you with Choi San, today?" He asked looking at me sternly and I nodded.

"I was with him today, I'll be honest about that. But we didn't do anything wrong-"

"I want you to get on your knees right now and ask the lord for forgiveness. "

"No," I said crossing my arms and he raised an eyebrow at me, stepping closer towards me.

"Excuse me?"

"No. I have nothing to ask for forgiveness for, I did nothing wrong. All that happened was that we talked for a few seconds and that was all-"

I immediately felt him slap me across the face and heard my mom and sister gasp behind him and I put my hand on my cheek as it stung. I knew that it would surely leave a mark in the morning. It has before...

"I already told you many times, that I don't want you speaking to that faggot, unless it in within the church walls and it is about the Lord. Now listen here boy, you will go to your room, confess to the Lord, what you have done and from this day on, I don't even want you speaking to him, even if it's at church. If he comes into your work, have another coworker help him or find a new job. Do I make myself clear?"


Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" He asked getting in my face and my back hit the door.

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Now go."

I immediately ran upstairs to my room as tears filled my eyes. I shut my bedroom door behind me and slid down it and cried as I hugged my knees to my chest. I wasn't crying because he hit me, in fact I'm used to it by now. He's always been abusive towards me and uses the excuse that 'it's God's will' and its such bullshit. I've read the Bible over hundred times, no where does it say to abuse your child. It says discipline your child, but not abuse them. But I was crying about how he told me that I couldn't even talk to San in church anymore. San is and always will be, my best friend and first love.

The abuse started when I was only four years old. I was playing at the park with my sister and some parents who were with their children asked my parents how old their daughters were, thinking that I was girl because my hair was a little bit longer. They had explained to them that I was in fact a little boy. That night when we got home, he spanked me twelve times and shaved my head...that was the very first time I have ever cried myself to sleep. Ever since then, if my hair gets too long, he cuts it and hits me until he thinks I've learned my lesson, then I'm forced to get on my knees in front of him and ask God for forgiveness for my sins. All because two strangers thought that I was a girl...



After what felt like an hour of crying, I wiped my eyes and pulled my phone out of my pocket, immediately calling San, I know that it's late, but I really want to hear his voice.


"Sannie. "

"Yeosangie, what's wrong? What happened? Do I need to come get you-"

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ 𝐵𝑜𝑦 | SanSangWhere stories live. Discover now