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I stared at Eve with a blank expression as she sat across from me, talking about whatever it is she's talking about. I don't really know, I'm not entirely paying attention to her. I zoned out as soon as we sat down. That's how I get through most days now...Zoning out.

We were in some coffee shop that she wanted to try, and I agreed, only to get away from home for a bit. Speaking of home, things have changed since I moved back in. My dad stopped hitting me, which is a plus, but he still forces me to do things. Mom, is back to being scared of him and Sol, pretty much leaves to hangout with Jongho, whenever she gets the chance.

The church never found out about me and San, and the Choi family was kicked out of the church. Nobody of the church asked questions about why, they all figured that it was because San, was beyond the point of healing.

I said nothing to change their minds and kept my mouth shut like the innocent church boy, that I am.

"Eve, have you ever been kissed?" I asked, interrupting her and she looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head.

"Have you?" She asked looking at me and I looked at my coffee as I thought about him.

"No," I lied, "I was just curious if you were," I said putting on a fake smile as I looked at her and she nodded before taking a drink of her tea.

Of course she's never been kissed, her parents keep a close eye on her. Her bedroom doesn't even have a door.

It kinda makes me want to save this girl, but how? I can't even save myself.

I excused myself to the bathroom and walked away before she could say anything. When I got to the bathroom, I went into a stall and closed the door, locking it and sat down on the closed toilet, just to breathe. A few minutes later I heard someone come into the bathroom and the sound of laughter...It sounded like San, my San...I'm just imagining things, right?

"See, I told you to be careful, Sannie."

"Yeah yeah, just shut up, before I kick your ass."

I looked through the crack of the stall and there he was in front of the sinks with Wooyoung, who had his arms wrapped around his neck....I knew they had something going on.

"I'd rather you kiss me, instead."

"Oh really?"

I watched as he picked Wooyoung up, putting him down on the edge of the sink and started leaning in. My heart started pounding and my hands felt sweaty. He told me that they had nothing going on. That he only wanted me...I don't understand.

I unlocked the stall door and pushed it open, making them look at me as I looked at the floor.


"I'm so exhausted, San," I whispered as I felt my throat close as I tried my best not to cry.


"You...You manipulated, used and lied to me."


"You ruined me," I said looking at him, "You told me that you were going to protect me and never leave me alone. You told me that you didn't want to have sex with me because you didn't want me to regret it and feel bad about myself after. Well, guess what? I don't just regret that night, I regret the last five years with you. I should've just kept my mouth shut when my parents wanted to kick you out of the church the first time, but I was so blinded by you, that I couldn't. Choi San, I hope you burn in hell."

San's POV.

I looked at him as tears poured from his eyes and he ran out of the bathroom, before I heard Wooyoung sigh.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ 𝐵𝑜𝑦 | SanSangWhere stories live. Discover now