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"Hey, Mrs Choi, I uh...c..can I um...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have came over so late, I...just forget that I was here, I'm sorry," Yeosang said before quickly walking away towards the direction of his house.

"Wait! Yeosang!"

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"It's Yeosang, something isn't right, go get him," San's mom said pointing in the direction Yeosang went.

San nodded quickly before running towards him, eventually catching up with him and grabbed Yeosang's hand, pulling him closer to him.

When San, saw Yeosang properly, his eyes widened. Yeosang's hair was cut poorly and Yeosang's left cheekbone was bruising. Yeosang was wearing a face mask, so his mouth and nose were covered. San slowly took off his mask and saw that Yeosang's lip was bleeding, along with his left nostril and tears were pouring from Yeosang's eyes.

San's POV.

I immediately pulled Yeosang into a hug and kissed his head.

"Baby, what happened?" I whispered, still hugging him and he sniffled.

"M..my hair got too long and I forgot to cut it...if I don't cut it, people think that I'm a girl and then I get beat by my father after he cuts my hair," Yeosang said trying not to cry.

"Where was your mom or your sister?"

"My sister is at her boyfriend's house and my mother can't do much to stop him, last time she tried, he hit her."

I sighed softly before making him look at me and caressed his cheek softly.

"Yeosang, you're staying with me tonight, we'll take you to church tomorrow and afterwards, you're leaving with us and we're taking you to the police station, alright?"

His eyes widened as he quickly shook his head, gripping my shirt as more tears fell from his eyes.

"No no, Sannie please! We can't go to the police station, he'll kill me if I do that! Please!"

"Yeo, I'm not going to let him touch you anymore. What he's doing is disgusting-"

"Please San! Please promise me that we won't go! Please!"

"No. Yeosang, I'm taking you tomorrow, end of discussion. You can stay with me for as long as you need to, I'll protect you from him."

I watched as Yeosang got on his knees, grabbing my pant leg while sobbing loudly.

"San, please! I'm begging you! I'm sorry! Just please don't take me! He..he doesn't know any better, he's just doing this because he loves me and thinks that this is what God wants!...please Sannie! Please! I'm so scared! Please!"

I sighed bending down to his level and put my hand on the side of his face.

"Yeo, please listen to me carefully. I'm doing this, because I love you, and I know for a fact that God wants you to be safe. So please let me keep you safe and take you to the police station tomorrow."

He nodded slowly before hugging me tightly and cried into my shoulder as I rubbed his back.

"Let's get you inside and I'll clean you up and fix your hair," I whispered and we went inside.


Sol's POV.

I sighed walking into the kitchen after I got home and saw my parents sitting at the dining table and noticed that pieces of hair were in random places of the room. My mother looked pale and my father looked angry.

"Where's Yeosang?" I asked looking at them and tears filled my mother's eyes.

"He's out," My dad said looking at me and I let out a hardy laugh.

"You did it again, didn't you? Seriously? How pathetic are you? Yeosang knows that he's a boy, your hair doesn't define you! It's just stupid hair! I honestly can't believe you anymore!" I yelled as my father stood up and I started to walk away but he grabbed my hair pulling me back and I heard my mom gasp.

"Young lady, you will not speak to me like that-"

"Or what?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him and he glared at me, gripping my hair tighter.

"You will go to your room and write an apology a thousand times on a piece of paper."

"Fuck you," I whispered to him before he slapped me across the face, making me fall to the floor.

I let out a chuckle as I looked at the floor and put my hand on the side of my face before looking at him, "you're a pathetic excuse for a father. I wouldn't be surprised if Yeosang never comes back, I sure as hell wouldn't, " I said standing up from the floor, "I honestly pray to God, that he never does, and I hope that you burn in hell. "


"No mom! I'm tired of him treating Yeosang like he's some kind of vermin. Yeosang is a good kid, he gets good grades, has a well paying job, goes to church every Sunday, Wednesday and Tuesday. So why? Why do you treat him like this?!" I yelled looking at him and he sighed.

"Go to your room."


"Go!" He yelled in my face and I rolled my eyes before running up the stairs to my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

He's a fucking lunatic, I thought as I started to call Yeosang.


"Yeo, where are you?"

"I'm at San's house. I'm gonna stay here for a while...I'm going to come to church with him and his family tomorrow."

"Okay, I think that's for the best. When you are with San, he can't hurt you...you can stay with San as long as you want to. I'll bring some of your things with Jongho later tonight, once our parents go to bed. Okay?"

"Okay...thank you, Sol."

"No problem. Yeosang, it's going to be okay, we'll protect you, I promise."

"I know...thank you. "

We said our goodbyes and I immediately went to his room and started packing clothes for him.

Yeosang's POV.

I convinced San not to take me to the police station tomorrow, under the condition that I stay with him until he feels like it's safe enough for me to go home.

I hummed as San placed kisses on my neck softly making me smile and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Sannie, I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

I kissed him softly and felt him smile against my lips, before we pulled away from the kiss and looked at each other.

Part of me hopes that San, never feels like it's safe enough for me to go home. I never want to be away from him, he makes me so happy and feel loved and protected. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I never want to lose him...

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ 𝐵𝑜𝑦 | SanSangWhere stories live. Discover now