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"wake up dear I've made breakfast" a voice spoke

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"wake up dear I've made breakfast" a voice spoke.

I rubbed my eyes, noticing Catherine standing by my bed, a smile on her face. I nodded sheepishly as she left the room, the realisation soon set in that I was on the run. It's definitely too soon to go back home yet, I'm not sure if she'll let me stay the night again though. I'll enjoy this for as long as I can, her cooking smells delightful.

I pushed my slippers onto my feet before heading downstairs, Jasper running past me into my room. I peaked into the lounge, seeing her sitting at the table, gazing at me.

"Take a seat before it gets cold" she laughed, motioning to the empty chair.

I smiled and accepted her request, sitting opposite her. I looked down at the plate, scanning the freshly cooked egg and bacon sandwich, yum. I dug straight in, taking a sip from the coffee she had made, watching the television to keep me occupied.

"Will you be returning home today?" She asked.

"I don't want to but I'll probably have to, I don't want to be a burden to you" I sighed.

"Oh honey trust me it's nice to have someone else here, I hate being alone. If you need to stop longer feel free to" she smiled, kindly.

"Thank you Catherine, truly I appreciate it" I hummed , taking a bite into my sandwich.

After she had finished breakfast she began washing up her plate, humming along to a song. I caught a glimpse of her stare, through the reflection of the window almost like she was keeping an eye on me. I guess it's hard for her, loosing your only child and your husband. In a way we are both helping each other, she wants company and I need help.

I finished my two sandwich's and helped Catherine with the washing up, until she took the plate from my grasp.

"Don't worry, I'll clean up." She insisted.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

She nodded, waving me away, I obliged and sat on the couch putting on a movie. Hopefully this all passes and I can get on with my life, I really need to get a job. I mean that was my plan until Natalie got killed, dan got attacked and I got kidnapped. It's been a weird few weeks, I don't even know what day it is. I have no phone anyway, all my contacts are gone. Worst thing is I can't even remember anyone's number so even if I did buy a new phone it would be a waste of money, who would I call?

"I'm going down the pub later would you like to come?" She asked, sipping her coffee.

"no I'm okay thank you though" I replied, knowing it was too risky.

She understood and sat next to me, watching the television.

*meow meow*
I groaned slightly, opening my eyes to see Jasper standing on my chest, realising I had fell asleep. I wasn't even tired, bored if anything. I peered down at his food bowl, noticing it was empty, I picked him up and placed him onto the floor before walking over to the kitchen. Luckily Catherine had bought some cat food for him so he'll be good, that in mind I poured the food pouch into his bowl, filling his other one up with fresh water. Once that was done I looked around for Catherine, she was no longer here. I looked out of the window , seeing it was dark outside so she must of gone out, I seriously can't believe I fell asleep.

I sighed and sat back down on the couch, flicking through the boring channels. I'm so bored, there's nothing to do here. I can't be watching the television all the time, there isn't even enough channels. I turned off the television in defeat, grabbing a pack of crisps before going upstairs, I plopped myself on my bed and rummaged through my bag. I pulled out my cigarettes before standing by the window, opening it. I stared out into the cold night, lighting the cigarette, savouring the bitter smoke. I watched as a few people walked towards the pub, clearly already drunk.

I wonder if bill has started looking for me yet, I haven't heard anything from my house. Maybe he has given up, left me alone. Weird thing is that when I passed my house there was a horrible smell, like something died in there. Must be the sewer drains or maybe the pipes, I'm not really sure what it is but it smelt vile. I really should've checked the entertainment around here, the nearest big town is two hours from here. I will visit there at least once, I need new clothes and decor for my house. All people do around here is drink, reminds me of home. I'm not a big fan of it, seeing how my mother was once she'd had a few glasses made me dislike it.

I burnt out my cigarette, slamming the window shut, joining Jasper in bed, he was all cuddled up in my pillow. I smiled and pulled out the photos from my bag, bringing back memories. I stared down at the picture of me and Lucy, she was my childhood best friend but we grew apart after high school. Once we had split up I started being friends with Nikki and Shannon, I'd like to say we are still friends but ever since I left we haven't spoke. I turned to the next photo and pouted a little, seeing me and my dad. This is the only photo I have of us, I was 4 and we were out playing golf. He used to play every Tuesday, I was his biggest fan. Over the years he changed, became more aggressive and gave up golf for good.

I huffed and pushed the photos back into my bag, i didn't want to see anymore of them. I rolled over, facing Jasper, running my hand through his fur. Today hasn't been the most eventful but it's better than being with bill, I can assure you that. I reached over to the side table, turning on the small radio, listening to the music as I closed my eyes. I guess all I've done today is sleep, hopefully tomorrow is better..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now