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We all got out of the vehicle's, the sound of the doors slamming echoing into the woods behind. Mist left my cold parted lips, the bitter air trailing across my skin. I gazed over at bill, cocking the gun back as he met my eyes.

"Let's go" Lenzo spoke, walking towards the forest.

I trailed behind Serina and Adam, the leafs cracking under my feet. Crows sat up on the trees, watching our every move. The distant sound of crying echoing through my ears. Bill reached for my hand, wrapping it in his. I looked up at him, concerned. I squinted my eyes, seeing an old white chapel in the distance.

I shivered seeing it, my stomach turning

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I shivered seeing it, my stomach turning. Bill gripped my hand tighter, holding the gun near his waist. Lenzo stopped for a moment, scanning the chapel. I looked at the smashed windows, old blood stains lying on the broken pieces. This place felt Eerie , nothing positive surrounding it. We all began to walk again, soon meeting the entrance door.

Lenzo turned the cracked handle, pieces of paint falling off of it. As the door opened a sudden gust of cold wind flew out, crows flying out with it. Adam looked back at me before heading inside, a worried look on his face. I went first before bill. Once he had come into the chapel the door slammed shut behind him, alerting everyone.

We stood in the middle, between the white dusty benches. A wrecked cross hung up in front of us, cobwebs swallowing it.

"Isn't she just darling" a voice spoke, a long nail dragging across my shoulder.

I jolted forward, a woman standing by the benches. Her long brown hair swaying against her dress, her eyes as sharp as daggers.

"Everyone but the mortal sit down." A loud husky voice spoke.

"As If" bill scowled, yanking me by the waist.

"Bill. Do as they say" Lenzo snapped, terror in his eyes.

"I'll help you, mate" a man spoke, pushing him down onto the bench.

He held a knife in his tatted hand, a wide grin on his pale face. I watched as everyone sat down, leaving me in the middle. Another man stepped out, a rope in his hand. I flicked my eyes over to the long rope, Rosalie being tied up. He was walking her like a dog, her face completely bruised up.

"You broke the deal, Lenzo" he spoke, stamping his foot.

"I'm sorry Emmett." He sighed, gazing back at me.

"Tatiana, come here love" Emmett yelled.

I soon felt cold hands slither around my collarbones, the sound of clicking entering my ears. She began to dig her nails into my skin, going straight through. I yelped, grabbing her hands.

"What are we going to do with you?" She tutted, moving in front of me.

I scanned her dark embrace, her black hair glimmering under the light. Black eyeshadow surrounded her eyes, an upside down cross embedded into her cheek.

"Let me have some fun with her" a voice chuckled, jumping over the benches.

"Maybe later, felix." She giggled, her lips curling up.

"First we have a show for you" she added, pointing her finger over to Rosalie.

Tatiana pushed me onto one of the benches, holding me down. Rosalie began to scream, gripping onto the wooden floor. Emmett hitting her around the face before tying the rope up onto the cross. My mouth dropped as he started to pull on the rope, lifting her up a bit.

"no!" I screamed.

"Shut up" Tatiana growled, holding my head.

She forced me to watch as Felix and Spike came up to the platform, holding knifes. Felix began to trail the cold metal against her waist, shoving it into her stomach. I froze, her cries becoming louder by the second. He dragged the knife up slowly, exposing her organs. I felt a tear drop onto my hand, seeing her intestines hang out.

"Stunning" Spike clapped.

"what's the matter? We never said she'd be alive" Emmett pouted, gazing at Lenzo's sad eyes.

"Now your turn" Tatiana grinned, yanking me up.

"Get off of her" bill yelled, pointing the gun at her head.

"don't be stupid boy, why risk your life for a silly girl like her?" She taunted.

"Wait." Lenzo spoke, getting up.

"You're ruining the fun" Claudia pouted, entering the chapel.

"I have a proposal" he panicked, flicking his eyes between Emmett and Tatiana.

She snickered, licking my shoulder. I cringed, feeling her tongue piercing collide with my skin.
"I've had enough!" Silas screamed, running towards me.

Before I knew it, he shoved a knife into my stomach.

"NO" Bill cried, shooting the gun.

I stared down at my stomach, my blood tricking out of my jumper. My baby. Why. I began to weep as he removed the knife, Emmett pushing him away. I held onto my open wound as he grabbed a handful of my hair. Pushing me over to Lenzo.

"Go on." He growled.

"We'll turn her, please don't kill her." He begged.

The room fell silent for a second, the only sound being cries from Serina and Bill. I couldn't tell what was happening anymore, only feeling a warm liquid leave my body. My blue jeans now red, the wound becoming sore. I glanced over at Rosalie's corpse for a second, her face frozen in fear. Her organs seeping out of her dead body, blood puddled around her feet. I'm going to die. I know it. There's no way Lenzo will be able to manage to convince these monsters. They've killed my baby, before it was even born. How twisted do you have to be to kill an unborn child. Everything sounded like static, repeating in my mind. Oh how I wish I could change things. I should've been better, treated bill better. I feel like shit, knowing I'm going to die and I can't fix things. This is the end now. None of these people care, they all have smiles on their faces. They killed Rosalie with no mercy, now I'm next.

I blinked my heavy eyes, staring at Lenzo's sad face. Emmett peaked around my shoulder, scanning my face. His eyes dark and evil, his jawline strong. He smelt of smoke and a strong cologne, the smell giving me a headache. He darted his eyes back to Lenzo, parting his lips to speak..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now