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( there is smut in this chapter and it's longer than before, if you don't want to read it just skip past :).

( there is smut in this chapter and it's longer than before, if you don't want to read it just skip past :)

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I stared at him in awe, the sun brightening his features. He caressed my cheek with his soft hand, his honey eyes melting into mine perfectly. He edged my face closer to his, pushing his warm lips into mine, smiling throughout the kiss. He crawled on top of me, keeping his hand on my cheek at all times. My tongue explored his mouth, my nails pressing into his clothed back.
He used his free hand to caress my waist, his dreads dangling down on my sunlight face. I parted my legs slightly, allowing him to lower himself down, pressing his hot body into mine. He began kissing at my neck, each kiss becoming more gentle. I held onto his hair, pushing his lips further into my skin. Each breath I took felt smoother, feeling him so close to me. Forgetting everything that has ever happened for a moment, enjoying this precious time. His hand trailed against the trim of my shirt, lifting it up slowly. I arched my back as his lips moved to my breasts, his tongue creating circles around the exposed skin.

I nudged at his shirt, wanting him to remove it. His eyes looked back up at mine, noticing my request. He obliged happily, carefully removing the fabric that covered his glistening skin. He lowered himself back down, moving his hand to my jeans. He shot up a glance, hoping for my approval. I nodded, letting him unbutton the tight jeans. He threw them down onto the floor before kissing my thighs, his hands gripping at every inch of my body. I pulled him back up, slamming my hot lips into his, my kisses becoming sloppier by the minute. His fingers slowly ran down my stomach, entering my pants. I opened my legs up more, allowing him to touch me. His fingers began rubbing against my clit, muffled moans of mine falling into his mouth. As he was teasing me I moved my free hand down to his trousers, undoing them. I could already see how hard he was through the black fabric, only making me want him more. I pulled out his hard member, slowly pumping him. He let out quiet groans near my ear before pushing two fingers inside of me, my body lifting up slightly. My feet pressed into the mattress beneath us, my head falling into the curve of his neck.

"now" I whispered, digging my nails into his bare back.

He let out a little laugh before removing his fingers, soon replacing it with his member. He teasingly pushed it in slowly, a wide grin on his warm face. A loud moan left my mouth when he slammed his full length into me, his hot breath falling straight onto my marked neck. I pushed my head deeper into the blanket, his hips slamming into mine as he sped up. His lips never left my skin, making sure to pleasure me. Hearing him moan drives me insane, he's so intoxicating.

"I want to have a child y/n, with you." He hummed, gazing into my soft eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"Let's have one, I don't want to wait" he grinned, pulling my bottom lip down.

"Me neither" I mumbled, pulling his lips back into mine.

My body crumbled into the mattress, his thrusts becoming faster. Every second making the knot in my stomach more extreme, my moans frequent. His hand grabbed onto my hip, letting me know he was close. He buried his head into my neck, his husky scent flying up my nose. His teeth nipped at my shoulder, his thrusts now sloppy as he released. I murmured as he placed another kiss on my jaw, his hand now running through my hair.

I tapped my foot along to the music playing on the radio, stirring my cup of tea. The sound of humming birds flowing throughout the house, bill's hands wrapping around my waist.

"Have fun you two?" Lenzo huffed, waltzing into the kitchen.

"Definitely" bill smirked, kissing my head.

"That's one reason why I can't wait for you both to move out, I can finally watch my tv show in peace." He joked, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry" I pouted.

"I'm not" bill added, nudging Lenzo.

"So did you use protection this time?" Lenzo asked, raising his eyebrow as I turned around.

"actually we didn't." I shrugged, sipping my tea.

"I think we're ready for a child" bill smiled.

"Let's hope so" Lenzo sighed, scanning my face.

I hope we are too, I don't want to regret this. I just can't say no to bill, I don't want to either. We may argue sometimes but all couples do, I hope that he's past hitting me though. I won't allow my child to grow up seeing that, neither myself. I'm still young but I'm ready for this new chapter, with bill and a child. After everything we've stayed together, I thought by now I'd be dead or living my worst nightmare. It's not perfect but it was never meant to be easy. My parents wouldn't be proud of me, they never have been so I wouldn't expect them to. In a way bill saved me, from the loneliness and shame.

"I'm just going for a shower" bill whispered, pecking my lips.

I nodded, releasing my hand from his. I moved my eyes back to my warm cup, wrapping my lips around the rim. The steam flew up into my face, squinting my eyes slightly.

"y/n." Lenzo murmured, standing next to me.

"yeah?" I hummed, looking up at him.

"Are you sure your ready for this?" He pouted.

"Why wouldn't I be? Everything is done now, I'm ready to move on" I smiled.

"Earlier you looked destroyed, now your perfectly fine with him as If nothing happened." He sighed.

"It wasn't that much of a big deal." I frowned.

"But it was. You thought he was past it and he wasn't, isn't. Plus you're still very young, I don't want you to end up being like me" he huffed, sounding worried.

"I'll be fine." I spoke, biting my cheek.

"If you ever need anything, I'm always here. Before you leave I'll give you my number" he added, patting my back.

"I don't have a phone" I groaned.

"You can have my old one, you deserve privacy too" he laughed.

"Thank you" I mumbled, my eyes low..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now