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I jolted hearing his voice creep into the room, his footsteps coming closer to me. I thought he'd probably give me the silent treatment like last time, I'm surprised he's even in the same room as me. There's no point in arguing with him anymore, he'll always find a way to make me look bad. Even after the hurtful things he said it doesn't change my love for him, it's so intoxicating. Imagining a life without him is impossible, he is my life now.

I stared down at the glossy wooden floor, sitting on the edge of the cold bed. Bill slouched down next to me, his hand travelling to my thigh. His breathing was slower than usual, his touch bitter.

"I shouldn't of said those things, I didn't mean them. I was angry." He sighed.

"Why were you angry?" I muttered, moving my gaze up to him.

"Mainly at myself but also because the memory of you sleeping with Elijah still hurts" he admitted, his jaw tense.

"I don't know how many times I can apologise bill" I huffed, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"you don't need to anymore, I'm sorry. For everything" he spoke, wrapping his arm around me.

"we can't keep doing this, it's draining" I murmured, my lips dry.

"It won't happen again. I love you" he whispered, placing a kiss on my nose.

"I love you too" I pouted.

He pulled me tighter into his chest, his warmth enveloping me. I'll always forgive him but I won't forget his poisonous words, engraved into my skin like a tattoo. It makes me wonder what else he would say if he hadn't walked out, would he have carried on? I know he doesn't mean to hurt me but you can't prevent other peoples feelings. I hope I don't feel like this forever, this can't be all there is to life. Murdering, sex, drugs and money. Where's the love? Where's the pure happiness?

We both lay down on the bed, I cuddled myself into his chest, listening to his heartbeat as the storm outside began to set.

I rolled over, seeing an empty space of where bill once was. I fell asleep earlier on, so did he. I stretched out my tense arms, curling my toes. I began to sit up, rubbing my heavy eyes. The rain outside hasn't stopped, it still slamming into the window. The trees swaying more aggressively, the leafs swirling around on the muddy ground. A slight whistling sound, created by the wind.

I held my stomach as I got up, hunger driving through my body. I took the feeling into consideration and made my way to the door, heading out into the hallway. Tom was in Rosalie's bedroom, blasting music. I covered my ears, annoyed by the loud booming noise. Letting out a small sigh before strolling downstairs, Serina and Adam in the lounge. My eyes scanned across the tv as I headed into the kitchen, smelling fresh food being cooked.

"Someone hungry?" Bill joked, leaning against the counter.

"Mhm" I hummed, still feeling tired.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked, moving my gaze to Lenzo.

"Well they normally start there game at 13:00pm so we will get there at 12, giving us time to surround the field." He yawned, stirring the pasta.

"Are your cousins definitely coming? Last thing we need is to be stood up" I added.

"Yeah I checked with them earlier, they'll be there" he smiled.

I nodded, stumbling over to bill. His warm arms wrapped around my body, his lips meeting my head. Honestly I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow, it's all about luck. We have a chance against them but I know they are more powerful than us, sliming that chance. Whatever happens, happens. All I know is that I can't keep on living like this, scared to make the wrong move. Last time I saw bill's house it was fine, I'm not certain how it is right now.

"Are we going to move back to your house after?" I questioned, looking up at bill.

"we can't move back there, they trashed the place. What's wrong with staying here?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Just thought we could have some privacy, start a life together" I shrugged.

"She's right, I enjoy both of your company but I miss the silence" Lenzo chuckled, grabbing some plates.

"I'll make a deal with you then, if we manage to get rid of them we can go look for a new home. Anywhere you want" bill grinned, stroking my hair.

"Deal" I snickered.

I began helping Lenzo plate up the dinner as bill went to get Tom, his music still blasting throughout the house. Serina and Adam made their way to the table, placing down some cutlery. Tonight we are having spaghetti bolognese, a simple but delicious dish. I sat down in front of my steaming plate, hovering my fork above.

"You guys made up already?" Tom laughed, slouching into his chair.

"Leave it, Tom" Adam sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm just saying, from what I heard you didn't exist to bill last night. Isn't that right, brother" Tom continued, scraping his fork against the glass.

"Why is it any of your business? We get it, your miserable and lonely, stop projecting it onto us" I spat, annoyed.

"Me miserable? I have everything I want, you'll never be satisfied. One day he'll find someone better, you know it deep down that's why your so forgiving." He whispered, a wide grin on his face.

"What is your problem?" Bill scowled, slamming his fist down.

"I'm just saying the truth. Love doesn't last forever" Tom huffed, rolling his eyes.

"How about you shut the fuck up for once?" Bill frowned.

Tom pulled a face at bill's response before going silent, a small smile still on his face. Now I understand why bill hates him. He really is an asshole. After tomorrow I won't have to deal with his taunting anymore, for all I care he can piss off and die.

I began enjoying the piping hot food, twirling the pasta onto my fork. Bill's face was still tense, his eyes narrow..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now