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I woke up to the sound of bill rummaging around, a nurse clicking her pen. I cleared my blurry vision and glanced at the woman, her long blonde hair slicked back. Red lipstick spread evenly on her lips, her eyes glistening in the sunlight.

"Morning dear, we just need to take a blood sample and then you'll be able to go home" she smiled, glancing down at me.

I nodded, sitting up in the warm bed. My stomach didn't hurt that much anymore since they'd been giving me painkillers, it seems to have helped. I wish it healed my mind too, I'm still devastated about loosing the child. Bill hasn't really spoke about what happened, I think he's avoiding it. Honestly I don't blame him, that day was traumatic.

I sighed, hanging my cold feet off of the bed. The blanket lay sprawled out, crinkled into one place. The room was warmer today, that drift gone. Bill shot a look at me, his eyes low.

"why don't you believe me?" I asked, remembering last night.

"Because she's dead. I would know, it was me who killed her." He huffed, walking to the plush chair in front of me.

"She was in front of me bill. She grabbed me, why would I lie??" I yelled, angered by his response.

"I'm not arguing with you about it, we've all been through a lot. Last thing we need is to argue." He frowned, tying his hair back.

I bit my cheek, staring at him. The one person I need to believe me is bill and he doesn't. I wouldn't lie about something like that. She was my friend, I needed her.

My thoughts got interrupted by the nurse coming back into the room, a needle in her hand. I cringed at the sight of the pointy metal, not wanting it near me. She plopped onto the bed next to me, holding my arm. I quickly looked away, feeling her dig it into my skin. She extracted some blood from my arm, sticking a plaster on the small wound after.

"Okay, your all set." She shot a toothy grin, putting the needle into a plastic bag.

"Thanks" I sighed, sliding off of the bed.

She left the room as I got up, changing into some clothes they provided. Just a basic white shirt and some joggers, I needed them though. I slipped into the fresh clothes, adjusting the cotton to my skin. I glared down at my once white trainers, now covered in dry blood. I frowned, shoving my feet into them.

"Ready?" Bill asked, getting up.

"yep." I replied, walking out of the door.

We strolled down the long hallway, the lights slightly flickering above. Screams of mother's giving birth could be heard, only making that pit deeper. Once we reached the reception I had to sign out, bill handing over some money. I gripped my elbows, feeling the strong wind outside. It's like the sun suddenly disappeared, a storm brewing. I stepped out onto the concrete floor, the parking lot in front. The sky was completely grey, thunder beginning to happen.

I ran towards the car, just escaping the rain. I slouched into the leather seat, lying my head against the chair. Bill hopped in, starting the engine. I stared out the rainy window, watching everything pass by. I had no idea where we were, I've never been this far out before.

I slammed the car door shut, heading towards the front door as bill closed the garage. I knocked quietly on the wooden door, not wanting to panic anyone. I was greeted by Adam, a small smile on his face.

"Glad your back" he spoke, patting my back.

I chuckled slightly , passing by him. My eyes moved to the lounge, Lenzo sitting there. He was staring blankly at the static tv, his eyes glossy. He had a glass of whiskey in his left hand, a gun in the other.

"Are you okay." I whispered, stepping into the cold lounge.

"fine." He sighed, his lips barley moving.

I glanced at him for a moment, noticing how drained he looked. It really hit him hard. How could it not? Loosing someone you love is never easy.

"What's the gun for?" I questioned.

"Incase those bastards come back. I'll kill every single one of them." He scowled, throwing his whiskey back.

"I'm happy your okay though" he smiled weakly, tapping my arm.

"Thank you" I mumbled, scanning the silent house.

The conversation ended there, making me head upstairs. I avoided looking at Elijah's door, feeling a terrible regret. I caught a glimpse of bill in the bathroom, wondering what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, peering over him.

"Making you a bath" he smiled, splashing the water.

"Are you trying to say I smell?" I joked, pouting.

"of course not, I just want to make you feel better" he chuckled, snaking his arm around me.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I raised my eyebrow, holding his shoulders.

"yes I do" he grinned, rolling his eyes.

Our lips met, slamming into each other's. his tongue explored my mouth, his hand behind my head. I held his face tightly, wanting to stay in this moment forever.

"I'll go get you some pyjamas" he smirked, pecking my forehead.

"Okay" I giggled, my cheeks tinted slightly.

I've missed his touch like crazy, the passion and comfort it brings me. No one could ever compare to him, he's the one I love. I don't have to worry about growing old now, since by tomorrow I'll be one of them. I'm not really scared about it anymore, intrigued if anything. If I ever meet the Stanley's again, it won't be one of us dying. Those people need to be dealt with, fast.

I hummed along to a song in my head, pouring some bubble mix into the bathtub. I dipped my finger in, turning up the hot water. I've always liked my bath's hot, never can be too much. Bill trailed back into the bathroom, placing my pyjamas and his onto the toilet seat.

"I thought you said it was for me?" I laughed, squinting my eyes.

"For us" he spoke, sticking his tongue out.

I shook my head, a grin on my face..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now