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He glared at me for a second, his jaw clenched. The same look in his eye the first time we met, pure hatred. I let out a silent breath of relief when he started to laugh, banging his hand on the steering wheel. That safe feeling soon left as he swung his fist my way, hitting me in the face.

"Why can't you be grateful?! I give you everything." He screamed, his hot breath falling onto my neck.

I cupped my nose, feeling a warm liquid trickle into my hands. The car quickly starting after, bill speeding down the road. I kept my eyes plastered to the floor, wanting to sob. I don't understand what I've done, why did he hit me? Every time I believe he's changed he shows me he hasn't, a false face. I get that he's stressed out, he almost died but he didn't have to punch me. I feel bad for all the lovely people in this town, once they find out what we really are it won't be so comforting.

I rushed out of the car, stumbling into the house. My hand was still covering my bloody nose, bright red blood falling down my once clean neck.

"Are you okay? What happened?!" Lenzo yelled, jumping up from the couch.

"I'm fine" I mumbled, running upstairs.

I ran straight into the empty bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me, my hands falling onto the white sink below. I glanced up at myself in the mirror, tears leaving my sorry eyes. Me and bill didn't speak in the car, he just turned up his music and acted like nothing happened.

I began running the cold tap, collecting some water in my hands, using the free one to grab some tissue. I scrubbed at my face, the blood smearing everywhere. It was like a nose bleed but 10x worse, the stinging feeling making me uncomfortable.

"Who is it?" I whispered, hearing a knock on the door.

"Lenzo" he replied, turning the handle.

"What happened?" He sighed, leaning against the door.

"It doesn't matter." I sniffed, flushing away the red tissue.

"It matters to me. I thought everything between you two was good now" he added, his lips curled down.

"Me too. He attacked the sales guy and I was angry at him for it, when we got into the car we had an argument and before I knew it he punched me." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry but I have good news" he smiled.

"What?" I questioned, looking at his cheery face.

"Come on" he grinned, taking my arm.

He dragged me down the stairs, his hair swinging all over the place. I could hear bill in the garage, a chainsaw shooting through my ears. I cringed, imagining what he was doing with Jonas's body.

My eyes moved to Adam, washing blood off of his dirty hands. A wide smile on his pale face.

"Tell her" Lenzo nudged.

"Well first off I want to apologise, I should've never attacked you it was wrong. When I went out earlier I was looking for Natalie, luckily I caught her off guard and managed to kill her" he laughed.

"That's great" I smiled, leaning against the pillar.

"Don't seem so happy" Adam joked.

"Actually what happened?" He asked, wiping blood from my nose.

"nothing I fell over" I laughed, my eyes locking with the tiles below.

"Clumsy" he chuckled, walking away.

I let out a small sigh as they wondered off into the lounge, a knot in my throat. There's no point in telling people that bill punched me, he's family to them and it's not like it matters. I am grateful that he got us the house, I just wished he would've found a different way to 'buy' it. It makes me wonder if me and bill would be good parents, I don't want my child growing up thinking it's normal to be hit.

I shot a look over at bill as he walked into the lounge, wiping his forehead. He dangled a pair of keys in front of me, waiting for me to take them.

"Thanks." I murmured, holding them in my hand.

"What? Can't hear you." He huffed, crossing his arms.

"I said thank you, for everything" I smiled, weakly.

"Good girl" he hummed, kissing my head.

"Aren't you going to apologise?" I whispered, looking up into his dark gaze.

"For what" he frowned.

"Forget it." I scoffed, walking past him.

He doesn't even care, why do I bother. I just want us to be normal, a loving couple. I thought maybe we had a shot at that but I guess I was wrong, so wrong. I don't have the energy for all of this, I just want to move and start over. I know it's been a lot to deal with these past weeks but it's still not an excuse. Overall I'm just happy to get out of here, this place is draining. I feel stuck in a hole, that only bill can get me out of. Without him I'd have to start from scratch, he makes it seem easy. I want a way out of this feeling, not knowing how I feel. Or how I should feel, I'm always walking on eggshells, scared of making the wrong move.

I swung the bedroom door open, placing the house keys on the drawers. I fell onto the soft bed, sinking my head into the blanket underneath me. I could hear distant footsteps coming closer, squinting my eyes shut. I knew it was bill by the way his shoes dragged against the wooden floor, surely leaving scratches. The mattress began to sink as he lay next to me, running his fingers through my hair.

"Why did you tell Lenzo." He whispered, kissing my shoulder.

"I don't know, I'm sorry" I huffed, clenching my hands together.

"I was angry, I only killed him for you. Everything I do is for you, for us. When I saw your eyes light up I had to make sure we got that house." He hummed, his voice echoing through my ears.

"I just wish you could've found another way" I murmured, turning around.

"It's done now anyway, the house is ours" he smiled, grabbing my cheeks..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now