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I scurried outside and stood under the over hang, the bitter cold gliding across my face. Bill slouched against the bricked house and began smoking, the smoke drifting against my skin. I stared up at the full moon, admiring its glistening colour. Everything outside was illuminated by it, no darkness in sight. I took a drag from my cigarette and felt bill's hand trickle onto my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. My back was faced to him, only seeing the smoke leave his mouth. He slithered his cold hand around my waist and kissed the side of my head, his lips sinking into my skin like honey.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." He grunted.

I moved my gaze to the ground, shuffling my feet. I didn't know what to say to him, did he deserve my forgiveness? I sighed before taking another drag, dragging the dead cigarette across the wall. I left bill's grasp and headed back into the house, stroking Jasper as I passed him. I strolled upstairs and glided my hand across the barriers, dust trickling off of them. I approached the picture on the wall, it was sealed in a gold frame. It was a picture of bill, Elijah, Lenzo and Adam. Their faces sculpted into the wall, effortlessly.

I looked behind me and saw bill strutting up the stairs, i huffed and made my way into the bedroom. Bill trailed behind me, his shadow gleaming over me. I began taking off my clothes and slipped into some silk pyjamas, enjoying how it glided against my tender skin. I glanced back at bill, sitting in the bed with the remote in his hand. I grabbed a makeup wipe from my draw and started removing my mascara, taking the rest off with it. I stashed the dirty wipe into the small bin and stumbled into bed, bill staring at me.

I met his dark gaze and scanned his pale face, his dreadlocks framing it perfectly. I grunted and looked away from him, annoyed at how pretty he was. The way his eyes twinkled in the moonlight, his lips perfectly shaped, his jawline so strong and intimidating. I felt his arm travel behind my back, his fingers gripping into my thigh. He pulled himself closer to me and lay my head on his cold chest, his thumb trailing against my shoulder.

"go to sleep my love" he whispered, kissing my forehead.

I bit my cheek slightly, confused. why was he being so nice all of a sudden, maybe he feels bad for once. Like he should. I slammed my eyes shut, listening to his slow heartbeat.

I stretched out my tender body, my hand bumping into bill's chest. I blinked a few times before setting my eyes on him, a smile of admiration on his face.

"I thought you would have been up by now" I mumbled, meeting his soft eyes.

"I've been up since eight but I wanted to stay until you woke up" he smiled, holding my cheek.

I squinted my eyes slightly, unsure of what to say. Before I could say anything else he pushed his lips into mine gently, still holding my face tightly. I gave in to him and held his jawline, pushing his lips harder into mine. The kiss went on for longer than usual, making me feel even more confused. He sat up and started getting changed, putting his hair in a low ponytail. I tilted my head, admiring his face.

"that will be Lenzo" he grinned, hearing the doorbell.

I leaped from out of bed and followed him, watching him frantically push his shoes on.

"Why are you going so early?" I asked.

"we've got some business to handle." He sighed, trotting down the stairs.

He quickly unlocked the door and stared back at me for a second.

"be good." He spoke.

"mhm" I murmured, watching him leave.

I let out a small sigh as I slouched against the wall, hearing a strange noise from the kitchen. I raised my eyebrow before heading towards it, curiously. I crossed my arms when I saw Elijah, a grin on his face and flowers in his hands.

"how did you get in? How did you know bill was gone?" I questioned, quite impressed.

"well I stole a spare key and I timed it from when Lenzo left." He chucked, pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged him back tightly, feeling his abs press against my chest.

"These are for you" he smiled, passing me the red roses.

I blushed a little, taking the flowers from him. I lifted them up to my nose and took a sniff, the exotic scent flowing up my nose. I giggled before looking back up at him, his green eyes melting into mine.

"hungry?" He smirked, grabbing some eggs from the fridge.

"yes actually" I hummed, flustered.

I sat up on the counter, the flowers next to me. I gazed at his perfect skin, the way it shined beautifully in the sun. His blonde hair swaying as he cracked the eggs, his lips curling up as he smiled. I moved my gaze to his hands, tattoos covering them. He was wearing dark blue baggy jeans, a black jumper and some sneakers. he was more casual than bill, less dark. His smile was more brighter, no sight of aggression hiding behind it.

"How do you feel today?" He spoke, looking back at me.

"good, how about you?" I grinned, nervously.

"I'm great now that I get to see you" he laughed, moving his hair away from his face.

I snickered slightly, amused by his voice. It was smooth yet alluring, his words were carefully calculated. Making me more intrigued by him, I don't know him very well but I'm hoping that changes.

"why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked, curious.

"I've never found the right girl for me, well until now" he winked, staring back at me.

I watched as he plated up the egg sandwiches, cutting them neatly. He hovered over to me and placed his hands onto my thighs, gazing into my eyes.

"can I kiss you?" He asked, tucking my hair behind my ear..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now