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I joined everyone at the table and started adding things to my plate, as the rest did. Lenzo was now seated next to Lilith but Rosalie was still gone, I heard them arguing upstairs. It was mostly Rosalie screaming about bill, she seems really obsessed with him.

I began cutting up the chicken on my plate and shoved some into my mouth, enjoying the seasoning on it. I was starving, so much I could eat everything here. Bill cooks sometimes but only when he's in the mood to. As for me I don't really enjoy cooking, I do like baking though. I once made a cake for Christmas and everyone loved it, I wish it was still like that.

"So any update on the Stanley's?" Bill questioned, breaking the silence.

"nope, I'm hoping Elijah has a vision soon." Lenzo replied, sipping his wine.

"what do you mean visions?" I asked, curious.

"Some of us have abilities, Elijah's one comes in handy most of the time. He sees things before they happen." Lenzo smiled.

"cool" I grinned, looking over at Elijah.

He winked at me slightly before pouring some wine into my empty glass, bill watching his every movement. There seemed to be a little tension between the two, I haven't seen them speak once. I also can't believe some of them have abilities, scary but cool.

"y/n when you're done come up to my room, I want to show you something" Serina winked, putting her plate in the sink.

I nodded and went back to eating, the silence drowning out the room.

I waltzed up the steady stairs and hesitated before entering Serina's room, hopefully I don't get attacked again.

"Finally!" She yelled, patting her bed.

I giggled for a moment before sitting next to her, she was holding a folder.

"So do you know much about the Stanley'? She asked.

"no but I know they are more dangerous" I replied, meeting her soft eyes.

"yeah they are but I'm going to warn you about them, if they do find out about you they will come for all of us" she sighed, opening the black folder.

She pointed at a photo of a tall Man, wearing a hat and a long coat.

"This is Emmett, he's the leader. He is one of them who has abilities, them being: telekinesis and extreme strength. He's able to move things with his mind very easily, he can lift things that seem impossible to the normal human." She pouted.

"wow, that's cool but also scary" I grunted, intrigued.

"Next we have Felix , he doesn't have abilities but he's very smart. He can easily manipulate someone. The blue haired guy next to him is Silas, he is also a normal vampire but he doesn't care about anyone but himself." She spoke again.

I stared down at the photo seeing Felix first, his long hair put in a low bun. He was wearing baggy clothes with a very long necklace, his eyebrows being slit at the end. Silas was taller than him, more muscle as well. He had glasses with a small scar on his lower lip, tattoos all over his neck.

"the next two are Nikolas and Raphael, they are also normal. Both very charming but definitely not nice, they are both cruel. The last male is spike, he can go invisible. One of the most dangerous abilities, it can happen at any moment." She frowned.

"he looks terrifying" I mumbled, looking at the blurry photo.

"He is, now to the females. The normal ones are Esme, Victoria and Claudia. They normally attack males by using their looks, seeming we never age." She laughed.

"Anyways the last one is Tatiana, she is extremely powerful. She has the ability to make people go insane and her fangs are poisonous, just a little prick would kill you. She is known as the enchantress of all female vampires, no one knows how she got her powers. She's over 1000 years old, making her one of the oldest vampires to ever live." She huffed, closing the folder.

"woah, she looks like a goddess. I definitely wouldn't want to offend her." I joked.

"Yeah well let's hope they don't find out about you." She frowned.

I agreed and heard bill yelling my name in the distance, his voice echoing. I hugged Serina and began heading downstairs, being stopped by Elijah.

"It was lovely to meet you, I hope to see you again soon" he grinned, kissing my hand.

"you too" I smiled, leaving his grasp.

I stumbled down the stairs and saw bill standing by the door, checking his watch.

"do come visit again y/n, we all loved meeting you" Lenzo spoke, smoking a cigarette.

"I will hopefully, thank you for dinner" I replied, shaking his cold hand.

He nodded and opened the door for us, rain pouring outside. Me and bill quickly ran to the car, getting cover.

"Do you mind putting the Heater on?" I asked, shaking.

He sighed before turning it on, the hot air blowing onto my face. I sat back in the chair and watched the house soon disappear as we drove, bill humming to a song.

"So what did Serina want?" He questioned.

"Oh she was telling me about the Stanley's" I replied, looking over at him.

"They are being so dramatic, they won't find you" bill groaned, gripping his steering wheel.

I nodded and lay my head back, watching out the rainy window.

Once we arrived back at the house, bill let me inside while he put away his car. I walked into the cold house and immediately went upstairs, seeking a jumper. I threw one on and put on some fluffy socks, craving a hot chocolate. Today was weird, sure it was nice meeting everyone but knowing I could put everyone in danger makes me feel guilty. Now I understand why they don't keep mortals around, basically suicide.

I headed back downstairs and flicked on the kettle, watching the water boil as bill stood outside smoking a cigarette. I soon felt a buzz in my trouser pocket, confused I stuck my hand in. Pulling out a phone, what the hell. Where did this come from, this wasn't mine. I stared down at the message and saw Elijah's name pop up, opening the message.

'I noticed you didn't have a phone, so here's one. I put my number in so we can talk.' It wrote.

I quickly shoved the phone back into my pocket as bill came towards me, hoping he didn't see it..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now