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I picked myself up off of the floor, stepping over the broken pieces of wood. I parted from bill's grasp, trailing towards the stairs. Out of everyone I didn't think that it would've been Adam to attack me, he used to be so kind to me. My hate for Natalie has only grown after finding out what she's done. She knew about everything and wanted to ruin it again, I just don't understand why. Why she hates me. It was bill who attacked her and murdered Dan, but yet she has sex with him. There's no point trying to question her actions, she's shown her true colours.

I let out a small sigh before entering the bedroom, slipping straight into the warm bed. I could hear the boys speaking downstairs, their voices echoing through the vents. Honestly I just want today to end, everything changed so quick. I squinted my eyes closed as I heard footsteps coming closer to the bedroom, bill's breathing slow. He quietly shut the door before joining me in bed, his eyes piercing into my skin.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was Natalie." He sighed, grabbing a hold of my waist.

I huffed before turning around, pushing his cold hand off of me.

"Y/n please, we've finally gotten to a better place. Don't let this ruin us." He whispered.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm tired." I responded, pulling the sheet over my head.

I fluttered my eyes open, bill sleeping peacefully in front of me. His hand covering mine, his lips slightly parted. I tugged my hand away from his, rolling out of the bed. I know I said I'll speak to him today but I don't know if I can. I'm sick of his lame excuses, I'd prefer the truth no matter how much it hurts. I pulled at the door handle quietly, walking out into the hallway. I could hear quiet music playing downstairs, flowing throughout the bitter house.

"morning" Lenzo smiled, peaking out of the kitchen.

"Morning" I sighed, slouching against the pillar.

"I'm sorry about last night, I don't know what got into Adam." He huffed, stirring his coffee.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is dealing with Natalie." I frowned.

"Well by tomorrow she'll be dead." He grinned.

"Good." I replied, scanning the lifeless house.

"Are you and bill still going to look at houses today?" He asked, sipping on his drink.

"I'm not sure" I shrugged.

"I know it's none of my business but I think you should, I'm completely on your side. What he did was wrong but he can't change it now so why ruin the relationship you both built" he smiled, rubbing my arm.

"It still hurts." I rolled my eyes.

"I know" he pouted, walking past me.

Lenzo is right but it's still wrong what bill did, no matter if he can't change it. He shouldn't of done it anyway. There's no point in holding a grudge against him because I'll always forgive him no matter what, which scares me. I hate that he has a hold over me, being vulnerable is dangerous. I genuinely thought this was going to be easy but I was so wrong. Every time something works out, it all goes wrong somewhere else. It's hard to process things when more gets added on everyday, it's confusing.

"Morning beautiful" Bill whispered, kissing my head.

My eyes moved to him, grabbing the kettle. I stared as he poured his cup of coffee, his dreads dangling down by his jaw. I wish I could hate him but I never will, I'd never let myself.

"What time do you want to go out?" He questioned, turning his gaze to mine.

"Whenever" I sighed, biting my cheek.

"In an hour?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Sure" I nodded, walking away.

I jogged up the wooden stairs, seeing Serina on the floor. Confused , I walked over to her, her face in pure shock.

"What's wrong?" I asked, peering over her.

"It's a trap." She spat out, holding up a piece of paper.

"What do you mean?" I frowned, grabbing the paper.

'She's not pregnant, it's a trap to kill bill for good. Don't go.' It wrote.

"Who wrote this?" I yelled.

"Adam. He wrote it before running off" she sighed.

"He ran off?" I huffed, confused.

"yes this morning he said that he has something to deal with, he took a gun with him." She pouted.

"I can't deal with this right now" I shook my head, walking out.

What the actual fuck is going on? First Adam attacks me, Natalie is pregnant by bill and now supposedly it's all a trap? I don't know where Adam has gone but it worries me that he took a gun. Either way I want Natalie dead, she's still a whore who fucked my boyfriend.

I crumpled up the piece of paper, throwing it on top of the drawers. Digging out some fresh clothes, my head pounding.

"What's wrong with you?" Bill asked, peaking around the door.

"Apparently it's a trap and Adam ran off this morning" I frowned, rubbing my temples.

"I knew it. It all makes sense now." He scoffed, slamming his coffee down.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"She must've blackmailed Adam into lying so that me and you fell out, meaning we would go look for her and she would try to kill us." He growled, annoyed.

"Either way I want her dead. You still had sex with her." I hummed, pulling a jumper over my head.

"I said I'm sorry." He pouted, grabbing my hand.

I moved my eyes back to his, melting at his soft gaze. Every word that comes out of his mouth sounds beautiful, even if it's something horrific. He gently placed his hand under my chin, lifting my lips up to his. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't, I craved him as much as I despised him. I cupped his jaw, falling into the soft kiss. I want to slap him and scream in his face but I also want to cry in his arms so he makes everything better. No one makes me feel the way he does, they couldn't even try..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now