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I moved my gaze from the tiled floor, watching Lenzo go outside to Bill. I could hear them speaking outside, Bill's voice hoarse. He looked so upset. So much has happened within a day I forgot about tomorrow, facing those evil people.

"Are you okay?" Adam smiled, rolling his sleeves up.

"yeah thanks." I sniffed, drying my face.

"He'll speak to you eventually, he's just angry right now." He sighed, looking out of the window.

"I don't know if he will, I think I've ruined it." I murmured, getting up.

"Elijah should've known better, he blackmailed you." He frowned.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"locked in his room, I seriously don't know what's up with him." He scowled, rubbing his knuckle.

I nodded, watching him make a cup of coffee.

"You've got five minutes." Bill groaned, walking into the kitchen.

"Okay-" my sentence got interrupted.

"Upstairs, not down here." He shushed me, grabbing a hold of my arm.

I obliged, flashing a smile at Lenzo as we left the kitchen. I trailed beside him as he strolled up the stairs, his grip tight on my arm. He pushed the bedroom door open, heading inside first. I followed after him. He sat on the edge of the bed, glancing up at me.

"so?" He spoke.

"Elijah gave me a phone a few days before, I didn't know about it until I found it in my draw. He started messaging me and said that he'd come round when you went out, I think he knew that we were arguing. He came over and gave me some flowers, I genuinely thought he was just being friendly. Until he asked if he could kiss me, I was unsure and did it. After awhile I went upstairs to get changed, he followed me and made a move on me. I told him it was wrong and that I don't want to hurt you, he then said that you had sex with Valerie a few days before. I was angry and stupidly believed him, I now know that he was lying. Honestly I'm so sorry bill." I pouted, sitting next to him.

"So even before he told you that bullshit lie you still kissed him?" He frowned.

"yeah. I enjoyed the attention he was giving me because you never did." I sighed.

"Why didn't you speak to me about it?? Why didn't you tell me." He yelled.

"Bill if I would've spoke to you about it, you would've laughed in my face and because it wasn't the right time and I felt guilty." I mumbled.

"good you should feel guilty. What more do you want from me?? I've tried to change but then you do this." He growled.

" I'm sorry. If I could take it back I would. I wasn't thinking and I just did it." I huffed, looking up at him.

"I hate Valerie you know that. I have you, why would I sleep with her?? I told you that I loved you." He chocked, cupping his face.

"I don't know. How can I fix this? I'll do anything." I replied, my lips curling.

"y/n. I don't know if you can." He sniffed.

"bill." I teared up.

"it's been longer than five minutes. Your times up." He sighed, getting up.

"wait please." I wept, grabbing his elbow.

"what?! You keep telling me your sorry. Did you feel sorry when you did it?! Did you even think about how it would affect us?!" He screamed, pushing my hand away.

"I don't want him. I want you. I love you, not him." I sobbed, holding his cold hand.

"You already made your choice when you slept with him." He snickered.

"so what? Is that it? We're just over?" I panicked, searching his pale face.

"For now yes. If I choose to forgive you then so be it but right now I don't even want to look at you." He snapped, yanking the door open.

He really just said it. It's over. I didn't feel sad anymore, I felt angry. Angry at Elijah. This is all his fault.

I ran towards the door, pulling it open. I pounced at Elijah's door, slamming myself into the locked door. Not realising the tears strolling down my face, my hands becoming red. I began punching and kicking the door, anything to get it open. I turned around seeing a chair, I picked up the chair and lunged it at the door. I smiled seeing the door break, wood falling onto the floor.

I ran straight into the room, jumping on Elijah.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" I wept, punching him.

"Are you fucking crazy, bitch?!" He screamed, kicking me onto the floor.

He crawled over me, grabbing at my throat once again. I didn't give up, punching him wherever I could.

"Now I'm really going to kill you." He chuckled.

I squinted my eyes as his strengthened his grip, flicking my eyes around the room. I grabbed a hold of a broken piece of wood, holding it in my hand.

"Not If I do it first." I scowled, stabbing the sharp wood into his chest.

He hung over me, staring down at his chest. I kicked him off of me, stabbing him once again. Blood coming out of his lying mouth. I didn't feel guilty, I felt pure hatred. Seeing the light leave his eyes, his hands dropping from my body.

"You bastard" I screamed, inches from his bloody face.

I punctured his chest once more, blood splattering all over my body.

"I-I love you." He chocked, coughing up blood.

I dropped the piece of wood, hearing those words leave his cold lips. Realising what I've done.

"oh my god." Lilith sobbed, running into the room.

She pushed me to the side, cradling Elijah's body in her arms.

"What have you done?!" She yelled, sobbing into his bloody chest.

I got up, running out of the room. I bumped into bill, pure shock on his face. I backed away from him, Lenzo peering into the room.

"y/n what have you done?" Lenzo gasped, looking at the scene.

"I'm sorry" I spoke, my voice shaky as I slammed into the wall.

I glanced over at bill, his face blank now. The only sound being Lilith wailing, her screams echoing through the walls. Everyone was frozen, just standing there. What have I done? Who have I become?..

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now