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Harry knew how much his godfather despised his old family home, and he also knew how much he detested Kreacher, so he immediately offered for him to stay with them, an offer which Sirius accepted gratefully.

After his questioning at the ministry, Harry took his godfather back to his house, where Ginny and the children were waiting anxiously for them to arrive. They had barely made it through the front doors when Ginny was in front of them, throwing her arms around Sirius and welcoming him back in a very Molly Weasley fashion.

"Well, if it isn't little Ginny Weasley." Sirius joked. "Or should I say Ginny Potter?" He winked.

Ginny gave a watery laugh as she tried desperately to wipe away the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. Ginny wasn't one to cry often. Harry supposed that growing up with six older brothers had toughened her up. But it appeared that the sight of Sirius, alive and well, had brought out her emotional side. Then, without warning, she smacked Sirius upside the head. "Don't you EVER do that again, Sirius Black." She screeched. "Do you have any idea how devastated Harry was?"

Sirius stood there, eyes wide as saucers, as Ginny scolded him. All he could do was stare in bewilderment as she went from crying to screaming and back to crying again.

Just then, there was a sudden whoosh as a toy dragon came zooming by in the air. Harry, who was quite used to James and Albus's toys by now, ducked just in time to avoid a head collision. Unfortunately, Sirius wasn't accustomed to the chaos of living with rambunctious children and didn't have the reflexes that Harry did. The Hungarian Horntail, a present that Charlie had gotten James as a joke to Harry, hit him hard in the head before crashing to the floor.

"Bloody hell." Sirius swore as he rubbed at the sore spot on his head. "What was that?"

"My dragon." James replied as if it were obvious. "The baddest dragon ever. He can kill you, you know."

"Oh, really?" Sirius grinned.

"Yep! It's called a Hungarian horntail." James said knowledgeably. "My dad beat one once."

Harry sighed. Charlie had been the one to tell James about the task with the dragon and how Harry had tied with another triwizard champion for first place. Of course, his son had found the story very interesting and was now obsessed with dragons.

Sirius chuckled as he picked the toy dragon up and handed it to James. "And who might you be?" He asked.

"I'm James Sirius Potter, but I'm only called that when I'm in trouble." He said. He then beckoned Sirius closer and whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear. "That's kind of a lot."

Sirius let out a bark-like laugh. "Well, with a name like yours, you have a lot to live up to."

Ginny shot Sirius a glare, and if looks could kill him, he would be six feet under. "You better not plan on giving him any ideas." She said. "James gets into enough mischief without your help."

"I wouldn't dream of it." The ex-marauder replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes that said otherwise.

Albus came running into the room as fast as his little legs would carry him and strait into Harry's arms. He took one look at the strange man in the house and immediately buried his face into the crook of his father's neck. Albus had always been the quieter of the two boys, and he was also rather shy. The youngest Potter son reminded Harry of himself at a young age.

"This here is Albus." Harry said. "Boys, this is my godfather, Sirius."

James's eyes immediately lit up with wonder and curiosity. He had, of course, heard stories about his namesake and was ecstatic to meet him. "Are you really a murderer?" He asked in awe. "My dad said you were."

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