The Vision

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June 2009
On an island in the middle of the North Sea, there stood a fortress. It was cold and dark and well guarded by dementors who swarmed the grounds outside. Inside, there were several cells, each one holding a prisoner.

Outside the cells, there stood a man. Though many would argue that he wasn't a man at all, but a monster. He had a skull-like face, which was enough to give anyone nightmares. His red eyes stood out against his unnaturally pale skin. Instead of a nose, he had two slits. As he walked up and down the long and dark halls, he ran his long, thin fingers over each and every cell.

As he walked, many of the prisoners made their way to the front of their cell, holding onto the bars and shaking. "My Lord." They called out. "My Lord. You have returned."

Lord Voldemort smiled, showing his yellow teeth. "I have," he said. "And I have come for all who are loyal to me."

In the far corner of the room was one of the most famous death eaters of all, and her name was Alecto Carrow. "I have been loyal, my Lord." She said. "My brother and I were loyal until the very end."

Voldemort nodded. "That you were. And your loyalty will be rewarded." He took a wand from his pocket, which he had stolen from a muggle-born wizard, whose body was now cold and dead, and pointed it at the cell, unlocking it.

"Thank you, my Lord." Alecto gratefully replied.

Voldemort continued to walk up and down the hall, unlocking each and every cell until every death eater was freed.

"Now what?" Alecto asked.

"Now we form an alliance." He said. "And we kill Harry Potter."

Harry woke with a start. His shirt was soaked with sweat, and his heart was beating fast. But the most startling thing of all was the burning sensation in his scar. A feeling that he had not felt for over a decade.

Not wanting to wake his sleeping wife, he quietly got up and made his way out of the room and into the bathroom, where he proceeded to splash cold water on his face. Looking in the mirror, he was startled to see that his scar was red and irritated. No matter how much he wanted to tell himself that it was just a dream, he knew it wasn't true.

The pain in his scar continued to sting as he made his way down the stairs, where he nearly ran into his godfather.

"Harry?" He asked, clearly concerned. "Are you okay?"

Harry wasn't sure he wanted to get into this right now, but he also knew he didn't have a choice. If what he saw was true, which it likely was, then he would need to notify the ministry and the order members immediately.


"My scar." He groaned.

Sirius visibly paled. "Your...but I thought you said it hasn't bothered you in years."

"It hasn't." Harry insisted. "Not until now. Look, I don't have time to explain everything, but I'm pretty sure I just had a vision." Just saying the words out loud terrified him. He needed to close his mind. He couldn't let Voldemort in. Thankfully, he had mastered occlumency.

"What did you see?" Sirius asked.

Harry sighed as he made his way into the living room, Sirius trailing close behind him. "Voldemort is back, and there was a mass breakout in Azkaban."

"Shit." Sirius mumbled. "You're sure it was a vision?"

Harry knew his godfather meant well, but he couldn't help but be annoyed. "Of course, I'm sure." He snapped. "I think I remember what a vision feels like."

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