The Prophecy

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It was just over a week after Sirius's return, and since then, several other witches and wizards had mysteriously returned.

Severus Snape was the first to return after Sirius. He magically appeared on the grounds of Hogwarts, giving poor Minerva quite a fright. Questioning him had gone as Harry expected. The old potions master fixed him with a look of pure loathing and made several snarky remarks, many of which tested Harry's patience. He was reminded just how much he really despised the man and couldn't help but wonder why he named his second son after him.

Then Fred returned. Like Snape, the Weasley brother appeared at Hogwarts. Except instead of appearing on the ground, he appeared in the halls, startling a few first-year students. Around the same time, Cedric Diggory was found wandering the quidditch field.

Then, most recently, Alastor Moody returned. He was just as mad as ever, and it came as no surprise that he was extremely suspicious. After Harry questioned him, the older wizard did some questioning of his own.

But although it seemed that everyone who passed during the second war was returning, Remus and Tonks had yet to make an appearance. Every time Harry came home with news of a new return, it always ended in disappointment for Sirius and Teddy.

Having his godfather back in his life was both strange and wonderful at the same time. On one hand, Harry was happy to finally have the closest man he had to a father, besides Arthur, back in his life. On the other hand, it had been thirteen years. Harry loved his godfather, but he just didn't need him like he did when he was younger.

As a teenager, Harry had dreamed of the day when Sirius would knock on the door of number 4 private drive and declare that he was innocent and that he was there to take him away. He would often dream of their future together. The future that his parents wanted him to have, but one that was taken from him so cruelly.

After Sirius's death, Harry not only mourned his loss but also the loss of the life he would never get to have. Sirius was his last hope at ever having a family, and just like that, in the blink of an eye, it was gone.

But then the war ended, and Harry married Ginny. He became an official member of the Weasley family and even started a family of his own. He still missed his godfather, of course, but life went on. Now Sirius was back, and Harry found that he didn't know much about him at all.

Thirteen years ago, Sirius had been a completely different man, of that Harry was sure. He would spend much of his time sulking around his childhood home or walking around in a daze. He would always smile when he saw his godson looking, but Harry knew that oftentimes it was forced. He had spent much of his own life faking happiness, and he couldn't help but notice that the smile never reached his godfather's eyes. Still, he always pretended, at least when Harry was there.

Now, Sirius was often seen laughing and telling jokes. He was how Harry imagined his godfather was before he lost everything. Before he was sent to Azkaban. He was more carefree. It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and it changed him.

Sometimes Harry wasn't sure that Sirius was the same man who had offered him a home fifteen years ago. The man who always seemed to know what to say and who, in his opinion, gave some of the best advice. And although it sounded completely selfish, Harry couldn't help but miss that version of his godfather.

But then there were times, mostly at night when the children were asleep and the house was quiet, that Harry would find his godfather in the kitchen with a bottle of firewhisky. His eyes were dull and sullen. The bags under his eyes showed his obvious lack of sleep. And it was during these times that he could see a hint of the shadow of the man he used to be. Tonight was one of those nights.

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