Harry's Birthday

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July 31st, 2009
Birthdays had always been a big deal in the Weasley household. The first time Harry spent his birthday with his best friend's family was when he turned sixteen, but the most memorable was his seventeenth. That was the year that Molly made him a cake in the shape of a snitch and gave him the watch of her late brother. It was also the best birthday that Harry had ever had.

Since then, Harry had celebrated many birthdays, and Molly never missed a single one. For his eighteenth birthday, Molly had invited him over and made him a huge dinner, despite the fact that she was still grieving the recent death of her son. For his nineteenth birthday, she had thrown him a small party at the burrow, being sure to invite his friends from Hogwarts. Even after the family grew, first through marriages and then through the many grandchildren that were born, Molly managed to make every single birthday special for not only Harry but every single family member. How she managed it all, Harry had no idea, but Molly Weasley never missed a birthday. This year was no different.

It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining brightly, and there was a slight breeze, making the hot Sumer day much more bearable. Outside the Burrow, several tables were scattered about, waiting for the many guests who would soon be arriving. Each table was covered in red and gold tablecloths and had little bowls with a different assortment of candy. In the center of all the other tables was a rather large table, which held a variety of different foods. Molly had really outdone herself, cooking more than enough food for everyone. There were roasted potatoes, beef casserole, lamb chops, shepherd's pie, salad, and an array of fresh fruits and vegetables. For dessert, there was treacle tart, homemade fudge, and, of course, birthday cake. For drinks, they had pumpkin juice, butterbeer, and lemonade.

By 12:30, all the guests had arrived. The majority of the guests were family, whether by blood or by choice. The Weasley's were all there with their families, including Charlie, who was around more often now that he was a part of the order. Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Teddy were also there, along with Sirius's girlfriend, Corinne. Tonks's parents had also been invited. Then there were members of the order, such as Albus Dumbledore, Mad Eye, and Minerva. Luna had also stopped by, along with her husband, Rolf, and their twin boys, Lorcan and Lysander, who were around the same age as Lily. Neville was there as well. The last guests to arrive were Harry and Ginny, the latter of whom was embarrassed to be late.

"Sorry." She apologized as she made her way over to the tables where all the guests were chatting. "Al was having a bit of a meltdown this morning, and then Lily had a blowout." She paused as she took in all the amused faces. "But we're here now."

"About time." Ron muttered. "I'm starving."

Hermione elbowed her husband in the ribs. "Don't be rude, Ronald."

Molly, however, didn't seem to care that they were late. She stood up and walked over to them before pulling both Harry and Ginny into hugs. "Happy birthday, dear." She told her son-in-law. She stood back to get a good look at him and frowned. "You're looking a bit peaky. Are you alright?"

Harry smiled at his mother-in-law's concern. "I'm fine. Just a bit tired with everything going on."

"Hmm. Have you been eating okay? You look like you could use some fattening up."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Mum, you think just about everyone needs fattening up. He's fine."

"Well, excuse me for being worried about my son's health." She huffed, causing Harry's smile to widen. She and Arthur had referred to him as their son ever since he and Ginny had gotten married, just as they referred to Hermione as their daughter. They didn't like to use the term in-law when it came to their children's spouses, as if they thought it was some sort of insult. "Now I'll take Lily, and you two just go get some food, alright?" She said.

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