The Order Reunites

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Harry paced the floor of the room, which held all the prophecies. The words he had just heard repeated over and over again in his head.

The final battle is not what it seems.

What was thought to be over will occur once more.

Innocent lives lost will one day return, but with them, evil will follow.

Dark times will return when least expected.

The true battle will begin.

"The true battle will begin." He muttered anxiously. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it?" Said Hermione nervously. "It means we're going to have another battle on our hands."

Another battle. Another war, which was pretty much guaranteed to spill more innocent blood. People were returning, but at what cost? Who was going to die in their place? It seemed a waste, really, that it should end this way. For the bright future they had fought so hard for to be ripped away. It was like some sick joke.

Harry thought about everything and everyone he loved. His friends, his family. Molly and Arthur; Ron and Hermione; his wife and kids; his godson. Would they be here this time next year? Or would he once again lose those he cared about?

A muffled sob brought him out of his dark thoughts. He didn't have to look up to know who it was. It had been so long since he had seen Hermione look so broken and defeated. "What are we going to do?" She whispered.

Harry wasn't surprised to see both Hermione and Kingsley looking at him. He was used to people looking to him in times of need. He figured it had to do with the last war and the part he played in it. He was the savior of the wizarding world, and whether he liked it or not, people always seemed to expect him to have the answers. This only got worse after he became an auror.

In the following months after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry began to start getting job offers. McGonagall had offered him a job as the new defense against the dark arts professor, claiming that there was no one better. Several people agreed, especially those who were in Dumbledore's Army, but Harry declined, feeling it wasn't right for him. Then he received job offers for different Quidditch teams, all of whom had heard of his skills. But although he loved Quidditch, it wasn't something he wanted to do for a living. Harry had his heart set on being an auror, and nothing else felt right. So when he was offered a job at the auror department, he didn't hesitate to accept.

In the beginning, they spent a lot of their time tracking down the remaining death eaters. Harry, who was a natural leader, had immediately taken charge. It didn't take much for others to follow in his lead. They trusted him, but they also seemed to rely on him.

Things had calmed down after the first year, and eventually people stopped relying on him as much, but whenever there was a major crisis, they always turned to him. This, Harry was sure, would be no different.

"First things first." Harry began. "We need to contact whoever we can from the order. Hold a meeting. They deserve to know what's going on, and if this is anything like last time, we're going to need all the help we can get."

Kingsley nodded his approval. "I'll contact whoever I can. Should I assume we'll be meeting at Grimmauld Place?"

Harry nodded. He knew his godfather would be less than thrilled to return to his childhood home, even for a short amount of time, but it was the best place for the meeting. His own place, although not small, wasn't big enough to hold everyone, and Grimmauld Place was still protected, making it safer should the death eaters return.

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