Harry looked down at the newest list of deaths, something that had now become a weekly occurrence. As he read over each and every name, he found himself hoping it was any name but one of someone he knew. Each time he read an unfamiliar name, he felt a little bit better, but then he felt guilty. Just because he didn't know these people didn't mean that they were any less deserving of life. Each and every one of them had a family. They all had people who cared about them and who were likely devastated right now. As Harry got to the end of the list, his heart sank. There was the name of an entire family. The youngest was the same age as Teddy.
"It's horrible, isn't it?"
Harry looked up at his father-in-law and sighed. "It's just like last time, and I know it's only going to get worse."
Arthur took the seat across from Harry, his eyes holding a deep sadness that Harry was all too familiar with. But behind the sadness, there was a glimmer of hope. "We're going to win this war." He said firmly. "We won the last one, and we're going to win this one, too."
"Maybe." Harry shrugged. "But at what cost? How many people are we going to have to lose?" When Arthur didn't reply, Harry sighed. "Every time I look at this damn paper, I find myself hoping I'll read the name of anyone but those I know and care about. I feel relief each time I don't recognize a name. People are dying every day, and as long as it isn't someone I know, I barely bat an eye. What does that say about me?"
"Listen to me, son." Arthur said, his voice firm but gentle. "You are a good person, okay? You have one of the biggest hearts of anyone I have ever known. You care about your family and friends. That doesn't mean you don't care about everybody else. It just means that you put those you love first. That isn't a bad thing."
Harry opened his mouth, but before he could get a single word out, the door to the kitchen swung open, and order members started piling in. Ginny came over and gave him a quick peck on the lips before taking the empty chair on his right.
Before long, everyone had taken a seat, and Albus Dumbledore had cleared his throat. "As you are all aware, the death toll is rising at an alarming rate, especially in the muggle world."
Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Hermione pale. Her parents were muggles. Because of that and the fact that they were connected to her, they would be at the top of Voldemort's kill list. Harry knew if it was up to her, she would do the same thing she did last time and erase their memories. But he also knew that they had been pretty upset when their memories were restored. They had forgiven their daughter, of course, but they had made her promise not to do anything like that ever again.
"We have a good group of order members." Albus continued. "But I am afraid it isn't enough. We can use all the help we can get. Therefore, I have recruited some new members."
The reaction from those in the room was split. They were either appreciative of the fact that they would be gaining more allies or angry that Dumbledore had not consulted them first. As for Harry, he wasn't quite sure how to feel. He could see both sides.
"Do we at least know these people?" Hermione asked. It was clear to Harry that she felt the same way he did.
"Some of them, yes." Albus replied. "But there are a couple new faces as well. I would like to assure you all, however, that each and every one of them has my full trust."
Sirius scoffed. "Your full trust? Need I remind you that Peter once had your full trust? Trust doesn't mean crap when it comes to war."
Harry sighed at the reminder of the man who had betrayed his parents. Sirius was right. They had trusted him. His parents had put their trust in him, and it backfired. But Harry also knew that not everyone was like Peter. Ron and Hermione were the perfect examples. They had always been loyal to Harry. Even when he and Ron had gotten into their fights, the youngest Weasley son had never once betrayed him. Looking around, Harry knew without a doubt that he trusted everyone in this room. As for new members, however, he had no idea.

Harry Potter- The New Prophecy
FanfictionNo spell can reawaken the dead. Albus Dumbledore himself said so. So how is it possible that witches and wizards who are supposed to be dead are showing up very much alive? And what happens when a new prophecy is discovered? One that talks about the...